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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich Again in ActBlue Top Five Fundraisers

Heinrich with other Netroots All-Stars at Netroots Nation in Austin

Once again, NM-01's Dem Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich is among the top five fundraisers on ActBlue, this time for the week of August 4-10. Heinrich even beat out two of the netroots' most popular candidates -- Al Franken, who's running for the Senate in Minnesota, and Rick Noriega, who's the Dem Senate candidate in Texas:

1. Accountability Now | $146,210.97
2. Kay Hagan | NC-Sen | $36,083.47
3. Martin Heinrich | NM-01 | $20,475.90
4. Al Franken | MN-Sen | $19,652.58
5. Rick Noriega | TX-Sen | $14,786.13
6. Scott Kleeb | NE-Sen | $12,856.81
7. Jon Powers | NY-26 | $11,523.75
8. Gary Peters | MI-09 | $10,860.60
9. Russ Warner | CA-26 | $9,947.26
10. Annette Taddeo | FL-18 | $9,185.67

Most recently, Heinrich made ActBlue's top five for the week of June 30 to July 6th. Here's what ActBlue has to say about Martin Heinrich:

3. Martin Heinrich (NM-01)
Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich is running for Congress in New Mexico's 1st District. Heinrich, once director of a foundation dedicated to science and environmental education, has served on several boards focused on environmental, open space, and urban issues, and has used his time on the City Council to work toward making New Mexico a leader in alternative energy and energy efficiency. Heinrich is running against Republican Darren White, who was recently aided by a George W. Bush fundraiser in Albuquerque.

The Heinrich campaign is once again leading the way in terms of innovative fundraising asks. This week, we noticed that one of Heinrich's mentees, Javier Benavidez, created a page, as he says, in the spirit of Sam Cooke. On the page, called "A Change is Gonna Come," Benavidez explains what he saw in Heinrich as a boss and mentor, and asks his closest friends for help. See the ask at

Heinrich's ActBlue hubpage:

Heinrich's campaign site:

A grand total of $344,160 has been raised to date for the Heinrich campaign on various pages on ActBlue. And he's going to need every penny and more in his contest against the GOP's Darren White. You know what to do.

Photo by M.E. Broderick. Click on image for larger version.

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August 12, 2008 at 10:50 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink


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