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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tonight & Tomorrow: Lt. Col. to Speak on "Progressive" Foreign Policy in Santa Fe, ABQ

From the National Security Network (NSN): NSN, founded in 2006 to revitalize America's national security policy, bringing cohesion and strategic focus to the progressive national security community, will host town hall meetings in Santa Fe and Albuquerque tonight and tomorrow. Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham (US Army Reserve Ret.) will be leading a discussions about Keeping America Safe and Safeguarding American Values.

The Santa Fe event will take place tonight, August 13, at 7:00 PM, at The Forum at the College of Santa Fe, 1600 St. Michael's Drive. The Albuquerque town hall is set for tomorrow, August 14, at 7:00 PM in Ballroom A at the UNM Student Union Building in Albuquerque. Free and open to the public.

ABOUT THE NSN: The National Security Network develops and promotes national security solutions that are both pragmatic and principled.  We work with experts and activists, candidates and elected officials to connect decision-makers and opinion leaders with the best foreign policy options available – in language that works for them and that their constituents understand and support.

We look to the future with a policy outlook that draws on the best traditions of American foreign policy: an unwavering commitment to American values, a return to shrewd diplomacy, a focus on effective partnerships and alliances, and a strong and flexible military.

What We Do

Policy analysis and development: NSN convenes top foreign policy experts and advocates to identify and develop innovative policy;  andthen helps put it forward in ways that elected officials, the media, activists and experts alike can understand and use.

Messaging: NSN works with experts, advocacy groups and candidates to develop and sharpen national security messages that will resonate with the broadest public audience.

Building a progressive national security community: NSN offers substantive policy advice, builds bridges, and shares resources to help progressives – from Capitol Hill to national advocacy campaigns
to local community groups – turn shared basic principles into a smart, savvy voice on national security.

Who We Are and How We Work

NSN is:

NSN works:

For more info, contact:

Ryan Keenan, State Outreach Coordinator
National Security Network
Office: 202 289 5999
Direct: 202 289 7117
Cell: 570 862 5766
fax: 202 682 6140

August 13, 2008 at 09:44 AM in Current Affairs, Events, Government, International Relations, Military Affairs | Permalink


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