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Monday, August 18, 2008

Hillary Stumps for Obama in Espanola; Sign Up for Camp Obama NM Hispanic Leadership Training


Hillary Clinton appeared yesterday on the campaign stump for Barack Obama at the gym at Northern New Mexico College in Espanola before a crowd estimated at more than 800 enthusiastic partisans. Gov. Bill Richardson, who created a media maelstrom of sorts when he endorsed Obama despite his long-time ties with the Clintons, gave a brief speech and then introduced Hillary and gave her a bear hug to signal that the time is now for Democratic unity.


Other Dem candidates in attendance included U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and NM-03 Congressional candidate Ben Ray Lujan. Clinton won a number of heavily Hispanic Northern New Mexico counties in our presidential caucus, and Hillary's appearance was designed to convince her supporters up North to vote for Obama this November.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican

"I know that many of you here today voted for me, you worked for me. And I will never forget what you did for me, ever," Clinton told the crowd at the Northern New Mexico College gym. "But I want you to know if you voted for me, you have far more in common with Sen. Obama than you do with Sen. McCain. ... I hope you all will join in this historic endeavor. Everyone who supported me, I hope you work as hard for Sen. Obama as you worked for me."

The apparent trade-off for Hillary's appearance was Richardson arranging two private, big-dollar fundraisers to help her retire her still large presidential campaign debt, one in Albuquerque hosted by Paul Blanchard and another in Santa Fe hosted by Dave Contarino yesterday. Clinton also appeared at a reception at El Pinto in Albuquerque where she greeted her pledged delegates from New Mexico and had dinner with Lt. Gov. Diane Denish (and husband Herb), who had strongly supported Hillary during the primary season. Denish has since become an Obama campaign co-chair in New Mexico.

Clinton is still reported carrying heavy debt from her presidential run. She's running a contest on her website that offers a chance for donors to win a trip to the Dem Cenvention with the Clintons. No word yet on how much money she raised in New Mexico over the weekend.

Campobama1Obama Campaign Offers Hispanic Leadership Training
Continuing a vigorous outreach to Hispanics in New Mexico, the Obama campaign has announced Camp Obama New Mexico, a Hispanic community leadership training, to be held on Friday, August 22nd from 5:00-9:00 PM and Saturday, August 23rd from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The special training is designed to help "local Hispanic leaders empower themselves with the skills to mobilize voters in their New Mexico communities."

The intensive two-day training will be held at Alamosa Community Center at 6900 Gonzales Rd, SW (Corner of Bridge and Coors) in Albuquerque and is aimed at supporters who want a more in-depth volunteer role in the campaign. Camp Obama New Mexico training will be led by Marshall Ganz, professor of community organizing at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and former United Farm Workers organizer, along with national and local campaign staff. All levels of experience will be accepted and all meals will be provided. Click to sign up.

Click on photos for larger images. Photos from Obama New Mexico.

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August 18, 2008 at 05:03 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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