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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gov. Richardson to Speak on Third Night of Convention, When VP Nominee Will Also Speak

CD1 Obama delegate Pamelya Herndon, of Albuquerque, talks about the upcoming Convention

The DNCC has announced the speakers for the third night of the Dem Convention, and Gov. Bill Richardson is among them. I would think that pretty much rules out Richardson being picked by Obama for VP because the VP nominee is set to be the keynote speaker that same night. Of course it also appears to rule out Evan Bayh and Joe Biden, who will also be addressing the delegates on Wednesday evening.

Will Obama's VP be a Republican? Notice how Obama's foreign policy is characterized as essentially nonpartisan in the release. A clue that Sen. Chuck Hegel -- or even Colin Powell -- will be Obama's pick? Pure conjecture at this point.

A political newcomer, Gaye Pollit, a NM-03 Obama delegate from Santa Fe, is excited about Denver

From the DNCC and Obama for America Campaign: Wednesday’s program – Securing America’s Future – will feature the voices of Americans who share Barack Obama’s vision of making America stronger and safer. The headline prime-time speaker on Wednesday will be Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential Nominee.

Barack Obama offers a new, tough foreign policy approach that is neither Republican nor Democratic.  Obama will implement a strong, smart American foreign policy that makes us more secure at home and advances our interests in the world by ending the war in Iraq responsibly and focusing on the threats of the 21st century - al Qaeda, nuclear weapons, and energy security.

Hillary Clinton delegate Johnny Montoya of Taos, in CD3 is ready to learn something and have some fun 

Former President Bill Clinton will speak on Barack Obama’s commitment to a stronger and safer America, as well as the history of Democrats making positive change in the lives of all Americans.

Governor Bill Richardson and Senators Evan Bayh, Joe Biden and Jay Rockefeller will echo Obama’s call for a new direction in national security and outline his policies and plans to secure America’s future.

One of the greatest security challenges facing the country today is reducing our dependence on oil, especially from foreign sources. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will discuss Barack Obama’s plans to make America more secure by investing in smart energy policies.

Senator Ken Salazar, the Convention’s home state Senator, and House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn will also speak as part of the Securing America’s Future program.

A bedrock component of Obama’s national security plan is increasing our support to active duty military, veterans and military families. Representative Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth will lead a tribute honoring those who give so much to secure our nation’s future.

Click to see the complete listing of New Mexico delegates to the 2008 Dem Convention. Check this archive for previous posts with videos of our delegation and this one for other Convention-related posts.

The Democracy for New Mexico blog was selected by the DNC to serve on its State Blogger Corps representing New Mexico. We have floor credentials and will be seated with the NM Delegation for the four days of the Convention so we can blog about the local angle from Denver. DFNM will have videos, photos and stories about the event starting the weekend of August 23rd.

Videos by M.E. Broderick, from a recent gathering of NM delegates.

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August 14, 2008 at 03:40 PM in 2008 Dem VP Candidates, 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink


The first video of Tom Udall is viewable, but I ones of the convention attendees don't work for me.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Aug 18, 2008 8:36:02 AM

You might have to clean out your cache. They work for for me, Mary Ellen and others.

Posted by: | Aug 18, 2008 10:34:27 AM

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