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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Denver Day Two: Bits and Pieces; Romney Visits Pepsi Center

NM Rep. Moe Maestas holds up The Sign. We gathered up a bunch of these to take home!

No time to upload all our video and photos (other than a few from our cell phones). No time to write right now. Just a few bits and pieces before I collapse:

I thought Hillary hit every note Dems needed to hear and created the perfect chord of party harmony and determination in the heart of every person I talked with or heard talking at the Pepsi Center and beyond tonight. The speech, as one delegate in the media area told me, will become a legend. From what I experienced and what I heard, it already is. Do you agree?

I thought Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer did a knock-out job of revving up the energy in the hall a bit before Hillary's speech. A funny guy. And a Democratic Governor of a Red State. At least it was ....

I was roaming around the media hallways in the bowels of the Pepsi Center tonight when I spotted a half dozen dark suited men surrounding ... someone ... and coming right at me. As the pack got closer, a tall, dark-haired, grinning guy came into view. It was none other than MITT ROMNEY. Mitt Romney at a Dem Convention? The moblet was past me faster than I could raise a camera or say a word, and disappeared around a corner.

I see that Katie Couric and who knows who else interviewed The Mitt-Mitt, and you can see it here. What a nervy rat.

We got to meet Illinois Rep. Jessie Jackson, Jr. and Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey who were standing around outside the media entrance after Hillary's speech.

Also spotted Joe Scarborough who was talking to everyone in sight and posing for many pictures, as well as Paul Begala, LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and New York Reps. Jerry Nadler and Charlie Rangel. CNN personages were everywhere, many of them obviously looking to see if they were being recognized. We also bumped into a number of regular visitors to Washington Week racing down hallways in the Pepsi Center. Photos and video to come (she says again).

It was wonderful to have Rep. Tom Udall and his wife Jill hanging out with the NM delegation in the Pepsi Center. Relaxed, down home and full of friendly hugs for all.

Great to see NM-01 candidate Ben Ray Lujan up on stage, all smiles.

Alejandro Escobedo sounded excellent. Melissa Etheridge will play for the Dems tomorrow.

Did I say that Hillary was powerful, present and persuasive?

Technorati Tags:

August 27, 2008 at 05:15 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink


Dangit! Alejandro Escovedo?? I knew there was a reason to go to Denver...


Posted by: marjorie | Aug 27, 2008 10:23:17 AM

I thought Hillary did a great job as did the Gov. of Montana. I don't understand the Hillary delegates who say they won't vote for Obama. If they were truly Hillary supporters, then they wouldn't dis her that way. It's very disrespectful to her efforts. It makes a mockery of her campaign.

Posted by: Alice | Aug 27, 2008 2:26:03 PM

The PUMAs are not and never were Democrats. They are Rethuglicans. I guess we're harder to infiltrate than they thought!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 27, 2008 8:21:45 PM

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