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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Denver Day Three: Wild, Wooly, Wow


There's so much going on at once, and all of it's happening at what can feel like the speed of light. Except for our internet connections. YouTube is still hopeless, but we are having some success with our cell phone Zannel uploads from the convention floor and getting photos up on Flickr. Our Flickr stream.


It was one powerhouse speech after another yesterday. Thought Tom Udall was terrific in his short but sweet time at the podium (text of speech). New Mexico was pivotal in the roll call vote for Clinton when our delegation passed to New York's and Hillary called for a stop in the voting and moved to throw her delegates to Obama.


Melissa Etheridge had perfect pitch and it was moving to have Mr. Lennon still in the mix, although we've been saying "all we are saying is give peace a chance" for way too many years now.


Bill Clinton's welcome was so thunderous it felt like the building was shaking. He came through for Dem unity with class and the crowd was urging him on every step of the way.


Biden nailed it. He will be the intense attack dog we need to eviscerate McCain's lies and Bushism. It was a very emotional night in the hall as you could literally feel power passing from one generation to the next, with all that implies. Another roller coaster ride.



We find everything turning into a blur of color, light, cheers and speech snippets as the pace picks up even more than we thought possible. In the Pepsi Center hallways, on the convention floor, in the press area bowels below, outside hall and for miles around there's a kaleidoscope of motion, drama, comedy, exhilaration, sudden jabs of sadness or fear, soaring speeches, riveting conversations and a diversity and rollicking array of humanity at its best and sometimes worst.

We have met or seen many, many famous celebrities, politicians and media people. Best of all we've had conversations with ordinary Democrats from all over the nation from all walks of life. And from the feel of things, there is a profound sense of unity and purpose taking hold here in Denver that we know will spread out when folks return home.


The crescendo comes this evening as Obama accepts the nomination in Mile High Stadium after a day full of speakers and music. Here's the schedule. The program ran so long yesterday that Gov. Bill Richardson's speech was moved to today in the 5:00-6:00 PM time slot, so he'll have an even bigger viewing audience than he would have had on Wednesday.


We are exhausted but steeling ourselves for the final push. Conflicting info on the best way to get to the stadium. Word is the security perimeter will be a mile out. Maybe they should rename the stadium Mile Out for today. They want the 75-80,000 attendees to be at the venue by 2:00 PM. Obama speaks at 8:00 PM. It's sunny and hot. No shade on the field or in the stands.


The security precautions were up an octave even yesterday, so we can only imagine what they'll be like today. We decided to drive to Union Station downtown and take the light rail to whatever stop they decide will be the last one before Mile High. We're hearing folks will have to walk a mile or more to get to the stadium and what will no doubt be long and slow security lines. But it should be an outrageously powerful, momentous event, and we are so lucky to have a chance to experience it live -- with all the sounds, smells, visuals and shivers.


August 28, 2008 at 01:33 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink


Barb's video from tonight's Obama acceptance speech on the floor was just featured on CNN! Way to go Barb and Mary Ellen and DFNM!

Posted by: | Aug 28, 2008 9:52:16 PM

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