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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dems to Protest Failed Bush-McCain Policies in Las Cruces Tomorrow

Things you might not know about McCain's economic policies ... and his wealth

John McCain will be holding a town hall meeting at the New Mexico State University Pan American Center Gym Annex in Las Cruces tomorrow starting at 10:00 AM. No doubt he'll be doing what he always does at such events -- launching underhanded personal attacks at Obama, pretending to be against the unpopular and damaging Bush policies he has long supported and generally trying to be something he's not. In other words, he'll be trying to convince people that he's offering fresh answers to new challenges when all he's really doing is serving up warmed-over remnants of what got us in this trouble in the first place. More of the same from the ultimate Washington insider.

We should never let McCain's dishonest posturing go unanswered. So it's great that folks from the Democratic Party of New Mexico, County Commissioner Bill McCamley, City Councillor Nathan P. Small and DNC Committeewoman Mary Gail Gwaltney will be there to protest the Bush-McCain economic policies that promise to keep us on the road to ruin. If you live anywhere near the Las Cruces area, you can too.

"Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike are looking for change this election year," said Josh Geise, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. "Maybe while he's here, John McCain can explain why his only plan for New Mexicans is to give them more of the same Bush Administration policies that have resulted in job losses, record foreclosure rates and sky high gas prices."

WHAT: Demonstration and Press Conference

WHO: County Commissioner Bill McCamley, City Councillor Nathan P. Small and DNC Committeewoman Mary Gail Gwaltney

WHERE: Intersection of University and Treviz in Las Cruces, NM

WHEN: Wednesday, August 20th at 11:00 AM

Technorati Tags:

August 19, 2008 at 07:51 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink


You guys are a blessing! The great state of New Mexico should be proud of Bill Richardson and the New Mexico Democrats.

Posted by: Clint in Texas | Aug 20, 2008 4:29:17 AM

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