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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day Three: Tom Udall, Big Bill and Biden

Today we get to hear Bill Clinton say whatever he plans to say -- and we hope it's something very positive and unifying. Obama's VP pick, Sen. Joe Biden is the headliner. Gov. Bill Richardson and Rep. Tom Udall will also address the crowd.

I uploaded a bunch of convention photos at our Flickr page this morning. I think you'll enjoy them. Took forever to upload. I'm also trying to upload our videos to our YouTube account but the pace is positively glacial. The slow net connections make these tasks really time consuming but someday everything will be up there! Bear with us.

Onward into downtown Denver ....b

August 27, 2008 at 01:22 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink



Mayor Chavez: Flip-flopper on binding arbitration?
By Marjorie Childress 08/27/2008

Andrew Padilla, president of public employees union AFSCME Council 18, calls Mayor Martin Chavez’s threat to veto a bill passed last week by the Albuquerque City Council a “punch in the gut to labor.” Why? Because Chavez came to the AFSCME union hall to speak with blue collar workers and union representatives last fall to drum up support for his Senate campaign, Padilla said. And Chavez said clearly he supported a binding arbitration measure like the one passed by the City Council.

Posted by: Rex | Aug 28, 2008 12:53:19 AM

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