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Friday, August 01, 2008

Comcast Sucks

I've been without my cable connection since this morning. Even now, I have very slow, intermittent service. I spent a lot of time on the phone with a Comcast service person today, unplugging and replugging equipment, rebooting everything, etc., to no avail. Now, hours later, I have some service, but it's very shaky. I did nothing to the system since I got off the phone with Comcast, yet my cable modem's lights suddenly starting working, at least somewhat. So my guess is that the problem is with them, as usual.

Comcast, however, told me the problem was at my end and that they'd have to send a repair person. Of course that repair person couldn't make it out until tomorrow afternoon sometime, if then. We'll see what happens. In the meantime, I'll try to go check my email despite the fact my connection is slower than dial-up at the moment and it keeps going on and off at odd intervals. Bear with me. I'm not neglecting the blog today. I just have my hands (and keyboard) tied up by Comcast. Somehow I don't think this kind of thing happens in Europe or Japan. Do you?

August 1, 2008 at 03:15 PM in Web/Tech | Permalink


You know? I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. It kept going out and the person on the phone told me there was nothing she could do on her end; she kept trying to reset it or something. She scheduled an appointment for someone to come, and meanwhile, the connection worked on-and-off. The first guy never showed up between the scheduled hours and by the time the second guy showed up, it was working just fine again. (I even met him at the curb and waved him off.) That was maybe two or three months ago, and it's been working ever since then. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But good luck. I wonder if yours will just start magically working again.

Posted by: | Aug 1, 2008 3:32:00 PM

First off, welcome back to blogging! We need your voice and your aggregating of the top environmental stories. Readers - go visit:

My biggest beef with Comcast is they never admit when the problems are their fault. So they make people go through all kinds of hoops trying to fix a problem that's on the Comcast end. Bah!

I have connection now, but it's very slow and keeps going on and off. We'll see if the repair person shows tomorrow.

Posted by: | Aug 1, 2008 4:34:02 PM

I've had the same problem with Scumcast for about a month. Their "service" is craptastic! Like your unregulated monopoly now?

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 3, 2008 11:11:38 PM

I've got the same problem, only my case is worst, they send their service guys and none of them could figue out what was wrong with my connection.

Finally, the last guy here insist there was something wrong with my modem. I went to buy a brand new modem, after a long period time to set up, I found out the problem still there.

Guess what, the bill me twice for their "service"!!! And I call them three times, their manager (in Mexico) refused to remove the charges from my bill.

Here! I'm still having the poor connection and they want me to pay for the "service" guy who did not do anything good but waste my money for new modem.

Posted by: alice | Aug 22, 2008 4:12:10 PM

As I'm sitting here waiting for a crew to dig up my yard with an ETA that went from 8am to "today" in a few hours, I typed in "comcast sucks" in google and got even more returns than I expected!

My problem started in late July, when my signal was fuzzy and a few channels were missing.

Days later, early august, they sent out a technician. To his credit, he was great! He narrowed the problem to a stretch of cable that went under my walkway. he put in an order to a "dig crew" to be put on the schedule to come out and fix the problem.

Fast forward to September. I hear nothing and call to see when the work will be scheduled. They say "soon", but I continue to hear nothing. The bills keep coming! I call a third time to threaten them to discontinue if they don't either waive my bill or put me on the schedule. They finally put me on the schedule to come out today (September 24). They are no-shows and I took the morning off to meet them and they are no-shows! So, I have to stay hear all afternoon and wait. They said I don't have to be here, but I'm afraid they are too incompetent to be trusted to do what needs to be done. I mean, why should I think differently.

To summarize:
1)Bad signal, missing channels in July
2)Problem diagnosed in early August
3)Finally put on schedule to repair bad streth of cable after 3 phone calls (September 17)
4)Today, they are as of yet 12:15 no shows!
5)Comcast sucks!
6)If they are not here by 3pm, I am done with them and will break out the rabbit ears.

Posted by: Joe | Sep 24, 2008 12:16:35 PM

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