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Friday, August 22, 2008

Alex Flores Guest Blog: Obama/Biden 08!

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N19400471_30795792_8768_2 This is a guest post by Alex Flores, who blogs at Alex on Politics. Alex is from Corrales, NM and will be working on a Master's at Princeton. He'll be serving as a Page at the Democratic Convention, assigned to Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian Colón.

Campaign back channels are confirming Senator Joe Biden will become Senator Barack Obama’s Vice-Presidential Nominee tomorrow.

It’s going to be an impressive duo to watch this election season! 10 weeks to go.

Tonight, confirmation that the United States Secret Service has dispatched a protective detail to assume the immediate protection of Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., a source tells ABC News, indicating in all likelihood that Biden has been officially notified that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, has selected him to be his running mate.

2007_01_31_biden_obamaInterviewing on “The Early Show” on CBS this past sunday, Obama made clear what his expectations are for his Vice-President:

“Obviously, the most important question is: Is this person ready to be president?” Second, he said, was: “Can this person help me govern? Are they going to be an effective partner in creating the kind of economic opportunity here at home and guiding us through some dangerous waters internationally?”

And, he added: “I want somebody who is going to be able to challenge my thinking and not simply be a ‘yes person’ when it comes to policymaking.”

ObamadebateBiden is a long time Senator who will absolutely challenge Senator Obama’s policies and hopefully pull the administration in a more progressive direction. From what we known, Jill Biden is impressive herself and will add to the already strong supporting cast in Michelle Obama and all of the campaign’s surrogates.

Biden is a senior statesman who will bring foreign policy experience to the table, a working class background, and even has a son who will be deployed to Iraq on October 3 (Joe “Beau” Biden is also Deleware’s Attorney General and a Captain in the State National Guard).

Steve Clemens wrote on the Huffington Post earlier today:

Compare this to Joe Biden who in 2005 was ranked 99th out of 100 senators in terms of personal wealth.

And amazingly in 2006, Open Secrets lists Biden as 108th out of all US Senators (i.e., negative 8! How did he do that?) with a near negative value on total income and assets.

Biden has not enriched himself through marriage, book deals, land swaps, or even betting on Intrade.

That’s an interesting contrast to Senator McCain….

I’m excited to see them together tomorrow in Springfield, Illinois and later this week in Denver at the Democratic National Convention. Afterwards - look forward to Biden dismantling his opponent in the Vice-Presidential Debates!

This is a guest blog by Alex Flores of Corrales.

Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their opinions on pertinent political issues. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

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August 22, 2008 at 10:52 PM in 2008 Dem VP Candidates, 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, Guest Blogger | Permalink


Biden — the perfect foil for Palin!

Posted by: Ted | Aug 22, 2008 10:56:27 PM

good post alex.
I have never been a huge fan of Biden but I am now!!!!

Posted by: mary ellen | Aug 23, 2008 6:42:56 AM

Can anyone tell how Biden voted on the Iraq resolution back in 2003?

Does Biden have any skeletons in his closet that may conflict with Obama's core message of hope & change?

Will the GOP reopen the Neil Kinnock saga.

Once again I am not trying to sound like a"debbie-downer"....but given that Biden is entrenched with over 36 years of Washington politics.....I am afraid the GOP is gonna go through every single vote with a comb brush just like they swift-voted Kerry.

Posted by: | Aug 23, 2008 4:08:31 PM

I'm not particularly happy with Biden as VP, but Obama could have done much worse. My sense is that Obama picked Biden as the person he wanted to be Vice-President, not a person to help him get elected President.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 23, 2008 4:59:19 PM

Biden is the perfect choice. He will be planted in states like Ohio, PA and Michigan because he is of the working class and can talk the talk and walk the walk with ordinary people. He is known for speaking plain and strong. He'll be a powerful attack dog against the Rs and he is known to be super clean in the lobbyist and big donor departments. He knows everyone inside the govt and in the diplomatic community.

He is Catholic and a "lunchbucket" Democrat. He has many of the strengths of Clinton without her and her husband's baggage. He has way more experience and contacts than Clinton and he knows where the bodies lie. A+ choic.


Posted by: roadrunner | Aug 23, 2008 8:04:47 PM

I'm suprised Alex isn't trying to divide the dems with Biden as the Obama pick. His last blog was definately not a unifying party message.

Posted by: lmartino | Aug 24, 2008 10:53:43 PM

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