McCain Lie Counter

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Friday, August 15, 2008

ABQ McCain Staffers Trash 'Happy Birthday Social Security' Cake

Politico has the story and so does . But where are the pictures and videos? Isn't it time for someone at the Dem Party and all the campaigns, third-party groups and unions to start carrying around a very reasonably priced Flip Video, or at least a cheap digital camera, to record debacles like this? Come on folks, your local blowgowsfeer bloggers can't be everywhere, cameras at the ready. Think how many events are going on daily now, and then think how much synchronicitous action will be going on post-Labor Day. We need help in documenting the scene. Help! A video of the McCain staffers getting all chanty and destructive would be valuable indeed. Why don't we have one?

August 15, 2008 at 04:13 PM in Democratic Party, John McCain, Local Politics | Permalink


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