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    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    This Just In: Al Unser Sr. Sues Darren White, 3 Deputies, Bernalillo County Commissioners

    According to KOB:

    Indy racing legend Al Unser Senior has filed a federal suit against Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White, three of his deputies and Bernalillo County commissioners claiming his rights were violated when he was arrested in 2006.

    Unser was taken into custody at the perimeter of a crime scene. Deputies allege he was failing to follow orders. Unser claims that authorities knew he had done nothing wrong and that his rights were violated when authorities elected to put him on trial. Unser was found innocent by an Albuquerque jury.

    Should make Darren White's claims to be the GOP's "law and order" candidate in the NM-01 Congressional race just a wee bit weak. I'm sure a lot more will be revealed on this story. Should be riveting.

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    July 15, 2008 at 08:58 AM in Justice, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    This is the 2nd suit against Darren White. He's also being sued by the ACLU and others over how he kept demonstrators away from a Bush visit while letting pro-Bush demonstrators be across the street from the event.

    Mr. Law and Order. Not.

    Posted by: boz | Jul 15, 2008 11:53:18 AM

    SHAMEFUL! What is it about these rich and entitled familes (Unsers, Daskalos) that makes them think they are above the law? Now the Unsers are going to HOSE the city in a lawsuit that will waste taxpayer money and if the city loses it will cost taxpayers even more. What won't the Unsers do for the city they "love"?

    Posted by: watchfulnewmexican | Jul 15, 2008 9:13:09 PM

    Watchful has their head up their you know what. The county is getting sued not the city. Duh. And they should. A jury found Unser innocent. The sheriff's deputies acted like morons. Go look up the story. You are way off base. What are you Darren's cousin?

    Posted by: more watchful | Jul 15, 2008 10:18:25 PM

    If Sheriff White truly believed in law and order, the only association he would have with the Booo$h Admin would be to arrest any of them that set foot in Bernalillo County. Al Unser has every right to and should sue, its one of the few remedies allowed by law that a citizen who's rights have been violated has. Law enforcement people acting like bullies under the color of law is totally unacceptable, period. Unfortunately way too many have suffered that kind of treatment by some Police Officers and or Sheriff Deputies aided by their look the other way fellow officers, it has to stop by being fired, sued or both.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 16, 2008 8:04:11 AM

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