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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Join the Effort to Send Rove to Jail

The basics on Rove, Siegelman and the subpoena

I want to strongly urge you to sign the petition demanding that the U.S. House Judiciary Committee declare Karl Rove in contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with a subpoena related to his involvement in the injustice done to former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. I was very impressed with Siegelman and moved by his story as told to Sam Seder at Netroots Nation, and I posted about it the other day from Austin. More info:

Brave New Films, The Nation magazine, Campaign for America's Future, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Progress Now Action and CREDO Mobile will host a press conference in Washington DC next Tuesday, prior to delivering the petition to the House Judiciary Committee urging committee members to "let Rove know he can't decide which subpoenas he obeys and which he ignores." In less than six days, almost 100,000 people have signed the petition. You should too.

"Karl Rove is not above the law," said Robert Greenwald, founder and president of Brave New Films in a media release. "Rove's refusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena makes a mockery of the justice system. Even former high government officials like Rove are accountable to the law.  Rove needs learn that we live in a democracy, not a dictatorship."

"Karl Rove has built a career out of bending the law, but now he seems to feel entitled simply to break it," says Michael Kieschnick, President of CREDO Mobile.  "We expect the House Judiciary Committee to agree that Karl Rove is in contempt and should be sent to jail if he persists in his flagrant disregard for the laws of this country."

Even as the President quietly finishes out his last days in office, Rove's audacious display of indifference in the face of an unambiguous legal directive is yet another reminder of the monarchical attitude toward the rule of law that has been such a consistent feature of the Bush administration over two terms -- an ugly characteristic most closely associated with Karl Rove's machinations.

Learn more about Brave New Films in this New York Times article.

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July 24, 2008 at 11:10 AM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Government, Justice | Permalink


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