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    Friday, July 04, 2008

    Pondering Democracy on Independence Day

    Early 20th century 4th of July postcard. .

    Happy Fourth of July weekend!

    There's much I'm itching to write about, like Obama's latest statement about FISA. Or the distorted and fact-challenged posts that are showing up in certain places claiming that drilling in ANWR and our coastal waters will lower the price of gas at the pump. Or the fantasy that Steve Pearce introduced a fair consensus bill on Dona Ana wilderness preservation. Etc. But I want to get away from the computer this weekend so I'll hold off. For now.

    Instead, here's some excellent reading -- on topics like the history of Independence Day, what genuine democracy entails and the value and meaning of voting -- that you may want to sample if you find yourself craving some content relevant to celebrating freedom and independence from tyranny:

    July 4, 2008 at 01:30 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    I'm so furious at Obama that I wrote him threatening to support Ron Paul, because he at least supports the constitution. I got a letter back saying that he gets so much mail, they cannot read mine, but my letter is proof of how much support he has, thank you.

    I would like to see the grassroots inundate this campaign (if they can get through) with our (and once his) anti-FISA message.

    I'm waiting for Dems to get that in their attempt to court the (shrinking) Republican base, they lose the Dem base who just don't bother to vote when their own become centrist.

    Viva the Kuciniches... who remain consistent and congruent.

    Posted by: | Jul 5, 2008 7:02:39 AM

    I am pretty disgusted with Obama over his stance on the so called new and improved FISA Bill and a few other things as well. IMO, he is missing a BIG opportunity to show leadership, steer the Senate Dem's back to their core principals and do something better for we the people. That said, he still gets my vote, here is why? The SUPREME COURT, Iraq and the economy, they are too important to continue on the same path we have been on. No way can this country take another four years of Republican Constitution gutting, Treasury looting, ignoring the plight of everyone but the wealthiest, and their general malfeasance. Its going to be up to the Democratic Party rank and file to support and elect better and more progressive Democrats forcing the change we all want and need from the bottom up. BTW, I too would have preferred candidate Kucinich but.....

    Posted by: VP | Jul 5, 2008 8:22:18 AM

    DFA and Sen. Feingold have a petition you can sign urging a filibuster of FISA. Click here.

    The Obama group on his blog urging him to vote no now has more than 19,000 members. Join here.

    Click here for other ways to take action and updates.

    Posted by: | Jul 5, 2008 8:54:12 AM

    The Obama admin. will not relinquish the power of data mining.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 7, 2008 1:03:10 PM

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