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    Monday, July 28, 2008

    NM-Sen: Will DC Repubs Spend Any Money to Help Pearce?

    According to the National Journal's Congress Daily commentary on this year's Senate races, a Dem win in the at-risk Senate seat in New Mexico could greatly help Obama:

    In addition to extending the Democratic majority, the Senate battles could also have a profound effect on the presidential race, given that four of the top pickup opportunities for Democrats are in swing states where Republican presidential candidates have traditionally done well -- Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico and New Hampshire. President Bush won three of the four in 2004, losing only New Hampshire by a single percentage point to Democratic Sen. John Kerry from neighboring Massachusetts.

    And it looks like the GOP may have already given up on the Senate race in NM:

    This time around, strategists from both parties say privately that they expect the Virginia seat being left open by the retirement of GOP Sen. John Warner and the New Mexico seat that Republican Sen. Pete Domenici is leaving will end up in Democratic hands.

    Campaign money is at a premium at the National Republican Senate Committee, so Pearce's campaign may have to go it alone unless his polling numbers suddenly start rising:

    For now, the NRSC is marshalling its resources to dole out later in the cycle, when party leaders can more accurately judge which seats might be hopeless and which might be saved by an infusion of cash.

    "If a race is going to win on its own, we're not going to play," Ensign said. "If it's going to lose and no chance to win, we're not going to play."

    That statement is music to the ears of Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Charles Schumer of New York, who sees the potential to put even more seats in play.

    "If [Ensign] doesn't spend any money" in particular states, you think we'll have to?" Schumer asked. "It's a giant chessboard, and if he is to take some states off the map, it increases our flexibility in other states."

    July 28, 2008 at 09:09 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    Heather Wilson would've given Udall more of a run for his money. Once again the Republicans put ideology over practical victory.
    I don't think that Wilson could really beat Udall given the political climate of Republican failures. I do think that the election would have been considerably tighter because Wilson has a history of running tough campaigns. She had the advantage of being a woman and hence, by association, considered more moderate.
    Personally, I was relieved that Pearce won the nomination.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 28, 2008 1:36:32 PM

    I was relieved too. Wilson would have been a much more effective candidate. I agree with you that Udall still would have won.

    It seems like Pearce is too off the deep end even for his own party this year!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 28, 2008 1:53:01 PM

    Let Bubba Pearce fund his own 20% loss! That's good news for Barack Obama and Martin Heinrich, each of whom will be assisted by Udall's coattails.

    Posted by: Proud Democrat | Jul 28, 2008 3:47:23 PM

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