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    Monday, July 07, 2008

    NM-Sen: Udall Reports $2.1M in Fundraising for Quarter

    Rep. Tom Udall's campaign for U.S. Senate in New Mexico announced today that he raised more than $2.1 million this fundraising quarter. Udall has consistently been the top fundraiser in New Mexico’s Senate campaign. In each of the finance reporting periods during the primary election, Udall outraised both of his potential GOP opponents combined.

    Udall's fundraising success is reflected in his alternating series of four TV ads that are currently on the air. Steve Pearce, his GOP opponent, has yet to air a TV ad. You can see Udall's latest ad, "Tragedy," at his campaign website -- another in a series stressing that Udall is dedicated to "doing what's right for New Mexico."

    Udall's website also has photos from his travels around New Mexico during the 4th of July weekend. Tom talks about what he learned from constituents during his holiday trip home during an interview (audio) today on NPR. The portion with Udall starts at about 4:22.

    In campaign release, Udall Campaign Manager Amanda Cooper said, “We are so grateful to Tom’s strong, statewide base of committed supporters for making this our best fundraising quarter so far. Because of their generous support our campaign is able to knock on thousands of doors, have a strong statewide presence, and dominate the airwaves with hard-hitting TV ads. Together, we’re making sure that Tom Udall’s stong record of accomplishment and doing what’s right for the people of New Mexico resonates throughout the state.”

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    July 7, 2008 at 03:01 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    I can't get through to his new ad now but I did see it earlier and it disappointed me. Why is Udall talking about DWI? That's not what senators deal with. There are so many important issues the Senate will deal with but local "law and order" isn't one of them. I think this is the 2nd ad he has had on "law and order."

    I see this as weak and operating within the Republican frame that Pearce will soon be creeping everyone out about. Be proud of being a Democrat Mr. Udall and stop trying to be Republican lite.

    Posted by: Megan | Jul 7, 2008 3:48:19 PM

    Next come the ads about meth labs right? Does Udall really believe he has to lower himself like this? We've got too many people in jail already for drug and alcohol offenses and it does no good. We need treatment and counseling for addicts. We need to help them find jobs.

    We'd be better off subsidizing cabs and more public transportation so people can have a good time and come home safely. No nightlife will be left in Albq if this keeps up.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Jul 7, 2008 4:44:46 PM

    I love Udall but I agree his recent ads have been missing the mark. He's way ahead of Pearce so why does he have to keep hitting on law and order? I wish he'd honestly talk more about what we need to do to fix our energy and climate problems and what's going on in our economy instead of DWI and criminal stuff. Get specific. We have to counter the crazy stuff being put out by the GOP about energy.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 8, 2008 10:47:40 AM

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