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    Monday, July 07, 2008

    New NM Dem Voter Registrations More Than Double Those of GOP


    The Democratic Party of New Mexico has announced that 51,938 New Mexicans have registered to vote since January of this year, according to the New Mexico Secretary of State. Of those, 27,207 registered as Democrats, while only 12,926 registered as Republicans. So far this year, new Dem voters outnumber new GOP voters by more than two to one. In addition, 11,805 registered as Independents.

    In a statement, the DPNM expressed excitement about welcome more and more registered Democrats to the party. They said that the impact of an Obama candidacy, the Udall for Senate campaign's work to mobilize Democrats early on and the excitement around the Teague, Heinrich and Lujan campaigns have energized activism among life-long Democrats, Independents, new voters and even disheartened Republicans looking to this election as an opportunity to bring change to Washington. 

    "With more and more Democrats registering to vote, we are confident that this year New Mexico will turn Blue," said Brian S. Colón, DPNM Chair. "Democrats are on the right side of the issues and represent the values of New Mexicans. Not only are we registering more and more voters, but record interest in volunteering has energized all the Democratic campaigns here in the state."

    The high voter registration number is just one way to measure the amount of enthusiasm that these campaigns are fostering, and we're not even close to Labor Day. With the Obama campaign continuing to register voters across New Mexico and competitive Congressional races reaching out to new voters all over the state, Dems hope to leave an important mark on New Mexico's political landscape for elections to come.

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    July 7, 2008 at 06:17 PM in Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


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