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Friday, July 04, 2008

NM-02: Where Will Tinsley Spend Independence Day?

Tinsley2We know where Harry Teague, the Dem candidate for Congress in NM-02, will be this holiday weekend. He's visiting five community holiday celebrations in Southern New Mexico during the 4th of July weekend. We don't know where his GOP rival, Ed Tinsley (right), will be this weekend. Could it be that he'll be hanging out at events near what he calls his "second home" -- in Santa Fe?

We know that Tinsley owns a home in the elite Las Campanas subdivision in Santa Fe. We also know that he's admitted to spending only 60 to 70 percent of his time in the 2nd Congressional district he seeks to represent [Las Cruces Sun-News, 11/07/07]. What we don't know for sure is where Tinsley will be this holiday weekend.

There's nothing on his campaign website about his schedule during the Independence Day festivities. In fact, it appears that the last time his website was updated was when he won the GOP primary back in early June. So, whereabouts unknown. But the Democratic Party of New Mexico has some suggestions if Ed is up at his home in Santa Fe for the holidays.

"Maybe Tinsley should consider attending some of the great Independence Day events close to his home in Santa Fe. Since Ed Tinsley admittedly spends so much time in Santa Fe, he may know more about what's going on there than me," said Josh Geise, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Where will the Tinsleys be on July 4th? Keep an eye out at these events:

1. 33rd Annual Pancakes on the Santa Fe Plaza. The breakfast lasts from 7 AM to 12:30 PM. This tradition brings Santa Feans together for a pancake breakfast that features an arts and crafts fair, live music, a vintage car show and children's Firecracker Pajama Parade.

2. Leon Russell, Sharon Little and Alex Maryol Concert. The concert is at 7:00 PM on the 4th of July at the Santa Fe Brewing Company.

3.  Santa Fe Fireworks Festivities. Top off the evening with a fireworks display at Santa Fe High School.

If you see Ed Tinsley anywhere this weekend, let us know.

July 4, 2008 at 10:30 AM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, Republican Party | Permalink


I was in the 4th of July parade in Capitan (which is actually 2 miles west of the border of House District 59 in Lincoln co) and both Ed Tinsley and his wife were there. Lots of Tinsley stickers around. Both HD 57 candidates, Democrat Mary Barron and Republican Dennis Kintigh, were there--Capitan is in HD 57. My HD 59 opponent, Nora Espinoza, was not. She missed a fun parade, the Capitan main street is lined with trees and friendly people.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jul 5, 2008 9:25:42 AM

I think Ed Tinsley will have a difficult time in Otero County which was Pearce's base. In the 2002 election when Pearce and Tinsley ran, the past GOP county chair demonized Tinsley something awful because they wanted Pearce. The articles in the Alamogordo paper were written by a republican with comments from this former GOP chair and she is also the state chair for Eagle Forum, the Phyillis Schlafley group.I am doing research on this at the library. It starts in March and April of 2002. One of the comments made by this GOP chair regarding Tinsley was," he is a nice enough fellow. He is charming .He is like Bill Clinton and can charm the scales right off of a fish. Tinsley, in my opinion, will have a difficult time getting total support from those in this county that supported a comment like that and others about him. It will be one to watch, especially in Otero County. I'll keep researching. Stephanie DuBois

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jul 5, 2008 5:17:13 PM

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