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    Thursday, July 03, 2008

    NM-02: Teague to Attend 5 Celebrations During 4th of July Weekend

    Teague_2Harry Teague, NM-02's Dem Congressional candidate, will be visiting five communities in Southern New Mexico and honoring locals as they celebrate America's independence during the long Fourth of July weekend. According to a campaign release, Harry will attend the Electric Light Parade in Las Cruces on Thursday evening. Friday morning Harry will attend the Mescalero Celebration Parade, followed by the Independence Day Festival in Artesia. Saturday morning, Harry will march in the Eunice Independence Day Parade, and later in the evening, Harry will take part in the Lovington Centennial Presentation and festivities.

    In today's statement, Teague thanked Southern New Mexicans for their service to the country:

    "I've lived in Southern New Mexico for over 50 years, and to this day, I am continually humbled by the service, commitment and ingenuity of the American people. No other country offers the opportunities we have here in the United States – opportunities where someone like me, who at 17 went to work in the oil fields for $1.50 an hour, could build a successful company and now run for Congress. Today, we are blessed to live in the United States and honored to live in Southern New Mexico."

    Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do what you can to help him get elected and turn NM-02 blue.

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    July 3, 2008 at 01:49 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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