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    Friday, July 18, 2008

    NM-02: Out of Town Ed and His Out of Town Donors

    Republican Ed Tinsley "has only 25 donors that live" in New Mexico's Second Congressional District, said Representative Steve Pearce in 2002, according to a release by the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Six years later, more of the same from Ed Tinsley. He continues to own a house in Santa Fe, avoid questions about how much time he spends outside the district, and raise his campaign cash from outside of Southern New Mexico. Through the first quarter, Tinsley has taken 70 percent of his money from people and organizations not located in New Mexico.

    "Out of town Ed lives in Santa Fe and has resorted to raising money from Las Vegas, NV and Virginia Beach. Does Ed Tinsley want to represent the people of New Mexico or the interests of his rich out of state donors?" asked Josh Geise, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. "Tinsley hasn't raised much money from the second district because he doesn't understand the challenges facing Southern New Mexico's middle class families, who are struggling to afford rising gas, mortgage, health care and education costs."


    "[Ed Tinsley]'s desperate because he has raised less than $20,000 from inside the district. He has only 25 donors that live here," said Steve Pearce. [Ruidoso News, 5/3/02]

    Tinsley owns a house in Santa Fe and has admitted to spending only 60 to 70 percent of his time in the second congressional district he seeks to represent. [Las Cruces Sun-News, 11/07/07]

    As of July 14th, Tinsley has taken 70 percent ($310,949) of his campaign cash from out-of-state interests. Among Tinsley's top five donating metro areas are Las Vegas, NV ($16,100) and Virginia Beach ($14,600). [Opensecrets.org, accessed 7/14/08]

    Want to make sure that the next Congressman from NM-02 lives in the District, cares about the District and will truly represent the values of the District? Volunteer and/or donate to Dem Harry Teague's campaign.

    Want to learn more truth about Ed Tinsley? Visit the blog Disenchanted2nd.com.

    Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate.

    July 18, 2008 at 03:30 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


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