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    Friday, July 04, 2008

    NM-01: Heinrich and Vets; 4th of July Holiday Schedule

    Heinrich with veterans at Bataan Memorial Park yesterday

    Yesterday, local veterans hosted a press conference for Martin Heinrich to express their support for his campaign for Congress. They have banded together to form Veterans for Heinrich and will work over the coming months with Heinrich to address veterans' issues, according to a statement from the campaign. "Our troops put their lives and their families on hold in order to serve their fellow Americans," said Heinrich. "We owe them a great debt of gratitude and I intend to make sure Congress repays this debt."

    Brigadier General George Franzen introduced Heinrich at the conference and will co-chair the committee with his wife Lisa Franzen. They are both veterans and residents of Placitas. "Martin has a deep and serious concern for all our veterans, those now returning from combat as well as veterans from earlier conflicts. As a 29-year veteran of the Air Force, I know we can count on Martin Heinrich to make the changes we need in our nation."

    Heinrich thanked the crowd for their support and expressed his support for veterans at home and deployed. "Our soldiers have bravely fought hostile enemies abroad. They should never have to fight federal bureaucrats here at home for the benefits they have earned."

    Schedule for Holiday Weekend
    Heinrich will be visiting with folks in every county in the First Congressional District during the Fourth of July holiday weekend:

    Friday, July 4th

    Saturday, July 5th

    Martin Heinrich is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do what you can to support his campaign.

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    July 4, 2008 at 09:57 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Veterans | Permalink


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