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    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    New Mexico Election Reform Coalition Urges Investigation of Missing Ballots

    Update: Bravo election reform advocates. According to an article in today's Santa Fe New Mexican, a spokesperson from Attorney General Gary King's office has stated an investigation has been launched into what happened to the missing ballots, although no details were provided.
    A coalition of election reform organizations has called for a thorough investigation of the Cibola County incident in which two ballot boxes and 182 paper ballots went mysteriously missing at two precincts following the June 3 primary. In a press release, Verified Voting New Mexico and United Voters of New Mexico insist that the in-depth probe is necessary in order to strengthen voter confidence in the fairness of election outcomes, especially in the run-up to the critical general election in November.

    Clemente Sanchez, candidate in the District 30 State Senate race, lost by five votes to incumbent David Ulibarri, who is Cibola County Manager. Sanchez has protested the lack of investigation into the election circumstances, and also the subsequent recount and July 11 certification of results by the State Canvassing Board. The state Attorney General has said the incident is "under review" but has not said that an investigation is underway.   

    "We want the appropriate county and state authorities to take full formal action on this under the law," said Robert Stearns, steering committee member of Verified Voting New Mexico. "The election officials in the two precincts told the County Clerk that they don't remember what happened to the missing ballot boxes and ballots. The inquiry should not be left there. This involves New Mexico voters and the integrity of their vote -- the very foundation of American democracy."

    Paul Stokes, coordinator of United Voters of New Mexico, said, "The law requires the County Canvassing Board to issue a summons to the Precinct Board if there are missing or defective returns. This and other actions available to the Attorney General must be undertaken to assure, to the maximum extent possible, that the Cibola Senate race was decided correctly."

    Founded separately in 2004 and 2005, Verified Voting New Mexico and United Voters of New Mexico form a coalition of organizations and individuals concerned with strengthening the accuracy, accountability and transparency of the election process.

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    July 22, 2008 at 09:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


    The A.G. office was already investigating the situation. There was no need for these liberal special interest groups to grandstand.

    Posted by: | Jul 22, 2008 10:19:34 AM

    The AG's office had previously said it was "looking into" the situation but had not stated it was investigating.

    For the record, the election reform advocates are not liberal or conservative. They are dedicated to ensuring fair and accurate elections for everyone.

    Posted by: | Jul 22, 2008 10:56:41 AM

    "the election reform advocates are not liberal or conservative."

    Okay Barb, wink-wink. Those of you who are new to New Mexico ... "looking into" is layman around here for "investigating" or trying to figure out what the hell happened. Once again, no need for these "groups", who must be registered as DTS, to act like they brought on the investigation. Our Democratic leaders at the A.G. office & S.O.S office knew to do the right thing.

    Posted by: | Jul 23, 2008 8:41:34 AM

    Until the AG office states that an official investigation has been launched, there is no public record that one is being conducted.

    I think people were responding to the fact that the missing ballot issues was not mentioned when the election was certified.

    Posted by: | Jul 23, 2008 10:15:52 AM

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