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    Friday, July 25, 2008

    Must Read: Pearce Won't Commit to Attend GOP Convention

    Click. I knew this was a bad year for all things GOP, but this is getting our of hand. At this rate, Ron Paul's shadow convention will have more attendees than the main event. Hey Stevan (yes, that's the correct spelling) - you can run but you can't hide .... People have ways of finding out that you're a True Red Right-Wing Republican (who just voted against the housing bill designed to help folks stay in their homes after getting bilked by predatory lenders).

    July 25, 2008 at 03:27 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    The housing bail out does more harm than good. Maybe he'll show up at the Target Center with the rest of us. Thanks for the dumbass article (as usual for you).

    Posted by: Sharon | Jul 25, 2008 6:04:46 PM

    Its not hard to figure out why Pearce might be more than a little embarrassed to be seen at convention. You can't hob nob with the same people that are responsible for the worst President EVER, an ideology that works best for the wealthiest top 5% and still face voters suffering from the current Administrations, lack of caring, incompetence and long list of misdeeds.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 26, 2008 8:35:30 AM

    Isn't Pearce was proud of the Republican legacy of propping up the already wealthy while making everyone else suffer. Health care, education, infrastructure, the environment, technological progress, science, women's rights, civil rights, the constitution? These were sacrificed so the already porked out can have more.

    I wish Sharon above had been eaten by the crooked banking sharks responsible for the foreclosures so she could see what it's like to witness Republicans voting against help. Sharon has hers and she doesn't want to share. It might raise her taxes $5.

    Posted by: Moira | Jul 26, 2008 11:14:51 AM

    I not going to go as far as to wish that Sharon would be eaten by sharks, literal or figurative.

    I'm just wishing and hoping DFNM continues it's fine work, and keeps pumping out "dumbass" articles that drive Sharon crazy enough to post here.

    Posted by: | Jul 26, 2008 11:34:21 AM

    Damn...no edit feature on the comments here.

    Not "I not going..." but "I'm not going..." above. Yes, I know it's obvious, but that stuff drives me crazy and I do it ALL THE TIME.

    Posted by: | Jul 26, 2008 11:36:10 AM

    Shark attack!

    Posted by: | Jul 26, 2008 1:06:35 PM

    VP and Moira,
    I'm surely not wealthy, you can bet your next food stamp allotment on that !

    And if one has to be 'crazy' in order to comment here, what does that say about you LOL.

    The part you people don't seem to understand - and neither do most of the legislators, given that they do not read the bills - is that inside this 600 page bill is a provision which requires ALL CREDIT CARD transactions to be reported to the IRS.

    Of course that wouldn't bother you because the more government the better in your view, I'm sure.
    Carry on by all means, and may your government keep you from all harm just the way it's been doing !!

    Posted by: Sharon | Jul 26, 2008 3:50:34 PM

    By the way, another thing none of you seemed to pick up on is that the Target center is the place where Ron Paul will be during the Repub convention.
    If any of you are sick and tired of the fraud puppet Obama - who recently acquiesced to increased spying on you by the federal government in spite of all his fancy talk, and has also "refined" his position on Iraq withdrawal -
    then think about joining us.

    Posted by: Sharon | Jul 26, 2008 3:57:38 PM

    Sorry, that first post should have been addressed to Moira and Scot, not VP.

    Posted by: Sharon | Jul 26, 2008 4:02:05 PM

    Hey Sharon,
    I think the other poster was using the word 'crazy' in reference to your going into enemy territory to post.
    Very few people do that, most like to lurk around echo chambers with people who already agree with them. As seen here.

    The Housing bill is extremely disturbing with that clause about reporting all card transactions to the IRS.
    But it's only the tip of the iceberg as far as what you can expect once Obama gets in. He is totally an establishment candidate and will increase the power and scope of government like never before. Fascism pure and simple.
    In point of fact, your views probably have more in common with those of the TRULY progressive supporters of McKinney or Nader, than with those who support this repackaged same-old.

    Posted by: Click to Learn More | Jul 26, 2008 7:23:11 PM

    Oh no we've been invaded by the Ron Paul loonies. Have you guys checked out his racist background? Maybe you have and agree with him.

    By the way, McKinney makes little sense if you look at facts instead of loony conspiracy theories (like those of Ron Paul too). Nader lost his credibility long ago.

    I bet you're waiting for the same black helicopters you were waiting for in the Clinton era. I wonder who would pay for roads and the other needs of a civilization under Paul's plan for no government. I hope they show some of the doings at the Target Center so we can all witness the circus.

    Posted by: Jojo | Jul 27, 2008 10:20:16 AM

    "Have you guys checked out his racist background?"

    Yes, we did. You can believe a TNR hit piece or you can listen to Ron Paul's words. But I wouldn't expect you to bother... Just keep repeating the Kossack talking point...

    Posted by: James | Jul 30, 2008 10:29:11 AM

    The proof of Paul's racism comes from back issues of his newsletter.

    Posted by: Jojo | Jul 30, 2008 11:47:14 AM

    Click to Learn More,

    Haha oh I see, yes that makes sense, well I got this site because it was backlinked to demonstrate a point.

    Gotta give credit to the site publisher though for at least letting us air our views.

    And yes I notice that these Obama people never seem to have the stones to go into other forums !

    You are right. I DO have a lot more in common with Nader and McKinney because they seem to care about the compounding losses of our civil rights, whereas it's easier for some people to just join the mindless "Yes We Can" chant [nothing like promises of unspecified "change" to mobilize the herd].

    And unlike Obama, their candidates do not support a Vatican size embassy remaining in a country we have raped and ruined, along with all those legions of troops.

    And unlike Obama, their candidates do not characterize an entire nation as "terrorists" just to suck up to AIPAC.

    Posted by: Sharon | Aug 1, 2008 3:56:01 PM

    Indeed ! Is that all they can do is regurgitate the Daily Kos from a year ago, about an aide's article 15 years ago ?

    Do they actually not know that their income tax does not "build roads", pay teachers, etc. but instead pays the interest on funny money from the Fed ?

    I'm glad at least to hear that they will "witness" the rally, maybe something from Dr. Paul and Jesse Ventura will yet penetrate the darkness LOL.

    Posted by: Sharon | Aug 1, 2008 4:01:18 PM

    To the Webmaster,

    I want to apologize for my first post; I become exasperated sometimes with the way the liberal paradigm always begins with the assumption that more govt. can make everything right.

    But you are obviously fair-minded in the sense that liberals used to be, not censoring ideas.

    And I also agree with you about preferring Udall. I go by the person not the party, and Tom Udall has been very responsive to several of my concerns.

    Have a nice August,

    Posted by: Sharon | Aug 1, 2008 4:04:25 PM

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