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Thursday, July 24, 2008
(Updated) Livestream of Obama's Speech in Berlin at 11 AM MDT
Lots of expectations about this appearance, which Obama is trying to tamp down some. Get the livestream here starting at about
11:00 11:30 AM Mountain time. It's also live at MSNBC, and on other sites I'm sure. Crowd estimates range from 100,000 to almost a million.
Update: Here's the prepared text of Obama's speech. Some photos:
July 24, 2008 at 10:47 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink
I felt like that was my very own convention speech, given in my time zone (!!) and on issues that particularly affect those of us over here.
I also thought there were a lot of Americans in that crowd. I've been getting emails from Dems abroad, and friends, who are going or wanted to go to that speech.
It really was one of his best, I thought. Now let's elect him so he can come back and give more just like it!
Posted by: KathyF | Jul 24, 2008 3:36:53 PM
For once you get to see it in real time, Kathy! I thought it was an excellent speech and it was satisfying to see an American president out there getting support instead of protests.
I believe this trip is doing what it was meant to do -- present Obama as "presidential." He's shown that and more, while McCain drags around whining and complaining.
I do think Obama has to reconnect with the base even if only to frame what he is doing in a more understandable way. There was a lot of applause whenever his name came up at Netroots Nation but certainly none of the raucous cheering that seemed to be the norm before.
Obama's been on the world stage and now he needs to talk to people here about the economy and civil rights and education and energy. I'm sure that will be his next push as we head towards the convention in late August.
Posted by: | Jul 24, 2008 4:09:35 PM