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    Tuesday, July 08, 2008

    Tom Udall in Lead at LCV's Give Green


    Over the weekend, New Mexico's U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall took the lead in Give Green donations over his cousin Mark, who's running for U.S. Senate in Colorado. As of today, Tom's campaign has garnered more than $2,400 from 71 donors since the site launched a little over a week ago -- the most of any candidate on the site. Meanwhile, NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich has received more than $870 to date in Give Green donations from 48 donors. Haven't heard of Give Green? Keep on reading.

    The League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, which works to turn environmental values into national priorities, recently launched Give Green, the first donation bundling website to raise money exclusively for environmental champions and candidates. The non-partisan website at is similar to the highly successful ActBlue and EMILY’s List fundraising sites, but is unaffiliated. Why did LCV decide to launch Give Green? 

    “Ever increasing numbers of environmental voters and donors live in every part of the country,” LCVAF President Gene Karpinski said in a statement. “But America’s clean energy future is not just a local issue. Give Green makes it easy for concerned citizens to support not only local environmental candidates, but also future members of Congress from across the country who will fight for a clean, renewable energy future.”

    Today, Give Green features 20 federal candidates who are environmental champions and who have earned LCV’s endorsement. As the election nears, other champions will be added to the site.

    “Give Green is the bundling portal for the whole environmental movement,” LCV Board Member and Friends of the Earth President Brent Blackwelder said. “This site will be a great tool for the environmental community to help elect pro-environment candidates and to change the face of Washington.”

    “This is for donors from both parties to join together in support of environmental issues,” former Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) said. “For the first time, Americans from every party who are committed to clean, renewable energy and conservation will be able to express their support through meaningful financial backing of environmental champions.”

    To donate to one or all of LCV's Give Green candidates. You can also create your own page there to raise funds for a candidate, just as you can at similar sites like ActBlue.

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    July 8, 2008 at 10:38 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


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