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    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    AFL-CIO Vets Launch Council, Release Video Critical of McCain

    Today, AFL-CIO union veterans are launching the first Union Veterans Council, which will bring together the power of union veterans on the issues that matter most to veterans and all working families...for the 2008 elections and beyond. 

    Find out more—and get the facts on John McCain’s record on veterans issues and his economic record here. If you are a veteran and a union member, retiree or Working America member, join the AFL-CIO's new Union Veterans Council now. Sign up here.

    According to a statement by the AFL-CIO, more than 2 million union members are veterans. Together with other union members, union veterans will help elect leaders who will fight for working families. The Union Veterans Council will play a central role in reaching out to the 13 million union voters in battleground states about the stakes of this election—everything from quality health care to good, family-supporting jobs and funding for veterans services.

    Union veterans also will share information with other union members on Sen. John McCain’s record. Union veterans like Jim Wasser (video), who served during Viet Nam and is an IBEW member, absolutely respect Sen. McCain’s military service but express deep concerns about his record in the Senate.

    Not only has McCain voted against increased funding for veterans health care the past four years in a row, he publicly opposed the 21st Century GI Bill that finally passed the Senate by a 92–6 vote and was signed into law. And he has turned his back on America’s middle class. He wants to tax our health care benefits while giving tax breaks to Big Oil. And he STILL thinks the North American Free Trade Agreement is a good idea.

    Sen. Obama’s voting record, on the other hand, shows that on issue after issue—the 21st Century GI Bill, wages, housing, veterans health funding, trade, health care reform—he is ready to work for working families. 

    Our veterans deserve the best—not the lip service combined with second-class treatment they’ve been receiving. Do your part to make America a better place—for veterans and all working families.

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    July 10, 2008 at 02:28 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, Labor, Veterans | Permalink


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