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    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    A New Mexico Gem: Arthur Alpert (and Ruminations on The Line)

    AlpertHave you been reading Arthur Alpert's (right) pieces on the New Mexico Independent each Friday? I have. Check out this week's post, which considers Pete Domenici's newfound admiration for CAFE standards and suggests how Pete might share his experience.

    As Alpert's NMI bio says:

    Once upon a time, Arthur Alpert was a newspaperman (N.Y. World-Telegram & Sun), TV producer-writer-host (news, documentaries), magazine contributor (New Republic, Washington Monthly) and journalism teacher. In New Mexico, he was news director at KGGM-TV, editor of Prime Time monthly and columnist for the Albuquerque Tribune.

    I was reminded just how witty, informed and articulate Alpert is during his recent appearance as a guest on The Line panel on KNME's New Mexico In Focus, which airs every Friday night at 7:00 PM and repeats at 6:00 AM on Sundays. Mary Ellen and I were bravo-ing out loud as Alpert calmly eviscerated some of the more fact-less and clue-less pronouncements of regular panelists Jim Scarantino, who often claims to be an independent, and Scott Darnell, a paid NM GOP operative. Gumption!

    Let's hope the show's producer, Kevin McDonald, and The Line's host, Gene Grant, invite Alpert back soon and often to provide some much-needed balance and heft to the show. UNM Law School Prof. Margaret Montoya, a regular panelist, does a bang-up job for the liberal side of the spectrum -- but it's often hard to counteract the one-two punch of Scarantino and Darnell if the guest panelist is reticent to join in the fray or trends to the right.

    By the way, Scott Darnell will be departing The Line panel shortly to attend Harvard's JFK School of Government -- rather ironic, that -- and I wonder who will be chosen to take his place. Let's hope that if it's another professional paid by the Repubs to hawk their talking points, someone with a similar professional profile from the Dem side will be included on the panel regularly to offset that slant.

    Of course my real hope is that Darnell will be replaced with someone whose positions are less lock step and whose thinking is more nuanced and unpredictable than Scott's has been. I think the show needs less rigid ideology and more spontaneity in Darnell's successor, if you know what I mean.

    Thankfully, Scarantino wanders a bit on the ideology scale on some issues, although his oft-expressed, uncritical love for all things Pete can be tiresome -- at least to me. And his penchant to bring up polygamy every time the topic of gay marriage or domestic partnerships arises gets on my nerves. Hey, we all have our pet rants. Jim is Jim and he can be smart and funny if the topic is right. But he's like a broken record on Domenici and the environment, and he usually offers few facts or cites to back up his arguments.

    Don't get me wrong. I think Kevin McDonald, David Alire Garcia, Gene Grant and everyone else involved with New Mexico In Focus does an excellent job of bringing local issues into, well, focus. I just think the show could benefit from some tweaking to make the panel segment more provocative and balanced.

    Do you watch The Line on New Mexico in Focus? What do you think?

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    July 15, 2008 at 03:30 PM in Energy, Local Politics, Media | Permalink


    I think it'll prob'ly be Whitney Cheshire back for Darnell, since she's no longer encumbered w/Heather Wilson's campaign. That's an ok choice w/me as her comments are quick and pointed and I really like her demeanor, sometimes even flippant, not so much the predictable company line Darnell spews.

    I like Margaret Montoya's opinions well enough, but her pedantic style loses me sometimes. I really liked her comments when Richardson was trying to become the president. She really nailed how he was ineffective in rallying hispanic support in a way I hadn't previously realized.

    I'm a BIG fan of In Focus/The Line. I like Gene Grant's pleasant, genial,respectful moderating style and David Alire Garcia has grown on me. He's always so well prepared and his follow up questions are so pointed. When he had on that health care professional (who has apparently evolved into a lobbyist?) who used to be a Green (Carol something?) that is running as an independent for Tom Udall's vacant seat, I was very impressed with her. I don't vote in that district, but I would vote for her because I'm still wary of B R Lujan-she just seems like a clearer thinker in dealing with the complex legislation and procedures in the US Congress.

    Posted by: | Jul 16, 2008 1:21:25 AM

    We have thought for a long time that the poltics of the show's panelists are unbalanced. Gene and Jim are Republicans, as is snarky Scott. Often the other guests are also Repubs, or not well informed on the topics. Margaret is amazing and does her homework, but shouldn't have to carry so much of the load.

    Arthur Alpert would make a great addition to the show. He's very well informed and can put someone in their place when needed.

    Posted by: michelle meaders | Jul 19, 2008 12:45:33 AM

    Funny bit there about guests, "often Republican." We pull our hair weekly to find conservatives willing to come on, since we get a lot of e-mail about the guests being, "often Democrats," and overloaded and such.

    Any re-cap of the show week by week would show "often" for Republican guests not terribly accurate. But perceptions are what they are...either direction.

    BTW, I am a registered Independent, as I believe Jim is.



    Posted by: Gene Grant | Jul 22, 2008 3:14:23 PM

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