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    Thursday, June 19, 2008

    True Blue New Mexico: Ben Ray Luján on Standing Up for New Mexico and the Change We Need

    This is a guest post from True Blue New Mexico candidate Ben Ray Luján. We previously posted personal messages from fellow True Blue candidates Martin Heinrich and Harry Teague, which you can see here. Check back tomorrow for a post from Tom Udall, our candidate for U.S. Senate.

    Thank you to Democracy for New Mexico and New Mexico FBIHOP for the opportunity to speak directly to New Mexico’s progressive community. Without a dedicated and active progressive community, we would not have the opportunity to elect strong Democrats to represent New Mexico in November. 

    At New Mexico FBIHOP, I why the 3rd Congressional District race is important. Here I want to write about my priorities, and the change I’ll bring to Washington.

    After eight years of the Bush Administration’s failed policies, we need to refocus our economy on the middle class, cover the uninsured, develop renewable energy and end the War in Iraq. This is the change New Mexico and the United States needs.

    BrlmugshotI have already fought for change as a Public Regulation Commissioner. When I arrived at the PRC, it was mired in scandal. Now, the PRC is a well-respected agency. It’s more consumer-friendly and there’s been a greater focus on renewable energy development. Under my leadership as Chairman, we closed loopholes that allowed health insurance companies to deny coverage, and we took on big corporations when they tried to take advantage of New Mexicans.

    My experience fighting for change has prepared me to go to Washington and find real solutions for the people of New Mexico. I’ll work to expand renewable energy production, refocus the economy on the middle class, provide health care coverage for the uninsured and give our teachers the resources they need to educate our children, which starts with scraping by No Child Left Behind. I’ll also work to end the War in Iraq and take care of our veterans, ensuring they get the benefits they earned and deserved. I’ll put the people of my district first in every decision I make, and I'll always stand up for New Mexico.

    We must elect strong Democrats to bring the right change to Washington. It’s up to you to make your voices heard early. Help me stand up for New Mexico. Now is the time for you to turn New Mexico and the country True Blue.

    Thank you for your support.

    Ben Ray Luján

    Please click here and give what you can to support our True Blue New Mexico candidates. If everyone reading this post would donate even a dollar per candidate, our totals would quickly add up -- and our candidates would have more of what they need to get out in front early, and stay there. You know what to do.

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    June 19, 2008 at 01:29 PM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico, True Blue New Mexico, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


    The primary is over. As I see it we MUST elect democrats to these congressional seats. those candidates on the right side of things keep pushing their conservative agenda. That agenda for the past eight years has put us in the 6th year of war and an economy that has not been seen since the "Great depression of 1929" Those conservatives always call us the tax and spend party. Under this present administration our country is experiencing the highest debt since Hoover. Turning back the Geneva Convention rules, the patriot Act, homeland security, conservative appointments to the Supreme court that threaten a woman's right to choose are just a few reasons why it is imperative that we elect democrats. I truly believe that Ben Ray Lujan will represent New Mexico,his family ,your family not only with conviction but in the truest tradition of the New Mexico democrats that came before him. I ask you in Ben Ray's district to support him in any way that you are able and keep this seat democratic. I wish Ben Ray every success for victory in November.

    Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jun 20, 2008 9:44:00 AM

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