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    Friday, June 20, 2008

    True Blue New Mexico: Tom Udall on the Clear Choice We Have This Year

    We're very pleased to feature a personal message from True Blue New Mexico candidate Tom Udall, our outstanding candidate for U.S. Senate. Tom took time away from his busy schedule in Washington to reach out to us this morning and talk about what's at stake in November.

    During this past week, DFNM and New Mexico FBIHOP also published guest posts from fellow True Blue candidates Martin Heinrich, Harry Teague amd Ben Ray Lujan, which you can see here and here. Now we need some help from you. Please donate whatever you can afford to demonstrate real Democratic UNITY up and down the ticket in New Mexico this year. Rep. Tom Udall tells us why it's so important:

    Tudall1_2I’d really like to start off by saying thank you to both Democracy for New Mexico and New Mexico FBIHOP for hosting True Blue New Mexico 2.0! It is an honor to have the support of DFNM and NMFBIHOP. I know how hard you all work to bring new stories to light, support candidates, and hold those of us that are in office accountable – and I know that you’ll keep my feet to the fire throughout this campaign. New Mexico really benefits from your service, so keep it up!

    I am running for the Senate because it really is extraordinary what’s happened over the last eight years. George Bush and Steve Pearce took a surplus and lost it. They took a strong military and exhausted it, they took an impartial Department of Justice and politicized it and finally took our reputation in the world and destroyed it. We’ve gone from being a beacon of hope to a defender of torture and pre-emptive war.

    This choice that New Mexicans have in this election could not be more clear. We can continue the policies of a failed president and a Congress that was thrown out of office or we can return government to the proposition that it should pay its bills, abide by the constitution, strengthen the middle class, honor our veterans and respect the lives of our soldiers.

    I’m running for the United States Senate because we have to do what’s right for New Mexico. 

    That’s why I’ve worked with both Senators Bingaman and Domenici, along with Governor Richardson to keep Cannon Air Force Base open when it was threatened. It is why I am fighting to expand the mission of Los Alamos to create new jobs in counter-terrorism and alternative energy research.  It isn’t just the right thing to do for New Mexico, but the right thing to do for our country.

    That’s the standard we have to live up to. As New Mexico’s Attorney General, I prosecuted corrupt public officials even though they were fellow Democrats. Big Special Interests went crazy when I wrote the law requiring utility companies to use more renewable energy, but it didn’t matter - because it was the right thing to do.

    There’s a lot of work to be done to bring change and we can’t wait until November. I am fighting right now in Congress to do right by our veterans  - and I want to thank both New Mexico FBIHOP and Democracy for New Mexico for helping me to publicize our work on the New GI Bill. We need to stop the Big Oil profiteers from running up the price of gasoline, end this war in Iraq and start doing right by our troops. We need to reform No Child Left Behind and start helping our schools do better. We have to take responsibility for our planet and restore respect for one another in Washington.

    We here in New Mexico are the inheritors of a great legacy. The Camino Real was the cultural and physical center of this great continent. We have a chance to lead this nation again – and with your help, alongside Martin, Harry, and Ben Ray , we will.

    -Tom Udall

    Please click here and give what you can to support our True Blue New Mexico candidates. If everyone reading this post would donate even a dollar per candidate, our totals would quickly add up -- and our candidates would have more of what they need to get out in front early, and stay there. You know what to do.

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    June 20, 2008 at 10:54 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


    Thank you for voting against the FISA and war funding bills, Tom. We have your back.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 20, 2008 1:26:29 PM

    Yes, THANK YOU Congressman Udall for voting NO on the Hoyer/Bu$h FISA Bill and The More Money for Killing in Iraq Bill.

    Posted by: VP | Jun 21, 2008 7:56:56 AM

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