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    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    True Blue New Mexico: Win a Chance to Hike with Heinrich

    Heinrich speaks at DFA Campaign Academy yesterday in ABQ

    Martin Heinrich's NM-01 Congressional campaign is retooling now that primary season is over and attention gets refocused on defeating GOP nominee Darren White on November 4th. For one thing, the campaign office has moved to a new location at 4105 Silver SE in Albuquerque, just south of Central near the corner of Montclaire and Silver.

    A new fundraising blitz is also underway. Martin needs us to help him replenish his campaign coffers after an intense (and expensive) primary contest. The goal is to raise $35,000 by the end of this month when the current FEC fundraising quarter ends -- and you can track progress at the their website's rapidly filling balloon. As an added incentive to donate, you'll be entered into a drawing for a chance to take a hike (literally) with Martin when you donate to his campaign via his website OR our True Blue New Mexico page. As Heinrich explains, everyone who donates before Midnight on June 30th will be entered in the drawing for the hike -- and Martin knows hiking:

    As many of you know, I served as Executive Director of the Cottonwood Gulch Foundation for many years. In that capacity, I managed six figure budgets, oversaw scores of employees and provided outdoor educational experiences for hundreds of kids. I also gained a deep appreciation for New Mexico's outdoors.

    Everyone that contributes online between now and the end of the quarter will be entered into a drawing to go hiking with me on one of my favorite trails in the district. So, please, contribute today and let's send a message to Darren White that cozying up to George Bush isn't the kind of leadership New Mexicans are looking for!


    Let me be blunt. We spent a lot of money uniting the Democratic Party with a strong win on June 3rd. I need your help to refill our tank so that we can be ready to fight the George Bush-funded smears that we all know are coming.

    By the way, both Robert Novak and Chris Cillizza predicted last week that Heinrich has an excellent chance for victory in November. Cillizza rates the race as #9 in his top picks for a change to Dem:

    9. New Mexico's 1st (Open seat, R): As expected, Bernalillo County Sheriff (R) and former Albuquerque City Councilman Martin Heinrich (D) won their respective party primaries on June 3. White's chances were struck something of a blow, however, when Rep. Heather Wilson (R), who has held the 1st District since 1998, lost in the Senate primary. That means White won't have the advantage of Wilson driving turnout in her political base come the fall. Still, this is a race to watch as it features two quality candidates in a district that is as evenly split along partisan lines as any in the country. (Previous ranking: 10)

    True Blue New Mexico was launched last Monday by this blog and New Mexico FBIHOP, and both of us featured personal messages by True Blue New Mexico candidates during the past week. Please give what you can to get the campaigns off to a rousing start now that the general election has kicked off in earnest.

    I also wanted to give a shout-out to Avelino Maestas at Live From Silver City for designing our smashing True Blue New Mexico logo, and putting up with a slew of emails as we planned the launch. Thanks, Ave!

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    June 22, 2008 at 02:15 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


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