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    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    True Blue New Mexico: Harry Teague on Why We Will Win

    This is a guest post from True Blue New Mexico candidate Harry Teague. Yesterday, Martin Heinrich guest blogged here and at New Mexico FBIHOP, and tomorrow we'll have Ben Ray Lujan.

    This year, we have a chance to bring real change and results to the working families of Southern New Mexico. Despite a high profile Republican Senate race and many competitive local GOP races, more democrats turned out to vote than did Republicans in the June 3rd Primary in the New Mexico 2nd District.  I received over 70% more votes than Ed Tinsley, with 20,206 votes to Tinsley's 11,469.  We demonstrated our ability to compete across the district, carrying 15 of 18 counties, including the traditional Republican strongholds of Eddy, Chavez, and Lea Counties, where we received between 55%-85% of the vote.   

    Teague_2I also received strong financial support, raising and spending over $1.2 million, more money than any other Democrat in a 2nd Congressional District primary and general election combined. Our campaign has been upgraded from "likely Republican" to "lean Republican" by the Cook Political Report, and today, we were added to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's exclusive "Red to Blue" program.

    The momentum is on our side, but I can't do it without you.

    I want to bring our brave men and women home from Iraq. I want to use that $3 billion a week here at home, on healthcare, alternative energy, and education. And I want to change Washington and get results for working families.

    But I need your help to do that.

    Sign up for our e-mail updates, volunteer a few hours of your time, or consider donating just a few dollars to my campaign. Your help will make the difference this November.

    Thanks for everything you do, and I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail.

    -Harry Teague
    Campaign Website: https://harryteagueforcongress08.com/

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    June 18, 2008 at 11:00 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


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