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    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    Terry Riley: Help Publicize Dem Party Platform with Donation

    This is a guest blog by Terry Riley and others listed below:
    I have been working on the Resolutions and Platform Committee of the Democratic Party of New Mexico this year. If you have not seen the platform yet you should go to the state party website and read it here.

    The platform is created by compiling the resolutions that have been submitted through the county central committees from around the state. People who submit resolutions work hard to explain their issues and the county and state resolution committees work hard to compile similar resolutions into meaningful planks for our platform. That work has been done for this election cycle and the result is our platform.

    Very few people know what the Democratic Party of New Mexico represents. We need to change this. We need to share what we stand for so people can learn why they should join us and work with us. We can do this by distributing copies of our platform or listing key "hot points" from our platform to get people's attention. The Democratic Kicking Donkeys can be a tool to help make that happen. Last year we handed out flyers along the State Fair Parade route. These flyers consisted of four categories and had four or five topics under each category. The idea is to generate interest in the party.

    I would like to ask for people to make a special donation to the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County to be used ONLY for this project. We should also consider the same thing for the Democratic Party of New Mexico. This way the state party could provide copies at events that are specific to the state and the county can provide copies for all events that we participate in.

    I expect that we will need a couple thousand dollars to get enough flyers for this election cycle. People who are canvassing should have copies with them to offer to people who complain that they don't know what the Democratic Party stands for. We will be able to show them what the Democratic Party of New Mexico stands for. We can also show our legislators what we expect of them.

    This is a very important project.  Please support the ideals of the people of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. Please help us to educate and stimulate the potential Democrats out there.

    To donate for this project, send a check made out to the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County or the Democratic Party of New Mexico to 1301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, and include a note that your contribution should be used for the platform flyer project.

    Terry Riley
    State Platform and Resolutions Committee Member
    State Central Committee Member
    County Central Committee Member
    Ward 15A Vice-Chair

    George Boersig
    State Central Committee Member
    County Central Committee Member
    State Platform & Resolutions Committee Ad-hoc Member
    Precinct 117 Chair
    DPBC Outreach Committee Co-chair
    DPBC Party Building Committee Co-chair

    Robb Chavez
    State Platform and Resolutions Committee
    State Central Committee
    Bernalillo County Central Committee
    Precinct 123 Chair

    Nancy Denker
    Vice-chair precinct 244
    County/State Resolutions and Platform Committee
    County/State Central Committee

    Betsy Barnett
    DPNM Resolutions and Platform Committee
    State Central Committee
    Bernalillo County Central Committee

    Technorati Tags:

    June 22, 2008 at 12:51 PM in Democratic Party, Guest Blogger | Permalink


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