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    Monday, June 16, 2008

    Compare and Contrast

    Martinlyon1 Martinlyon2
    Martinlyon3 Martinlyon4
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    First the "spouses for life." Later the cruel reactions. Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 84, who have been a couple for 55 years, were among the first same-sex partners to legally exchange marriage vows in California Monday.

    Del and Phyllis were pioneering lesbians and feminists. Even I can't truly know what they went through in the early days of their relationship, although it was still very brutal when I had my first gay relationship in the late 60s. In 1955, Martin, Lyon and six other lesbian women formed the Daughters of Bilitis, the first major lesbian organization in the United States. Lyon was the first editor of DOB's newsletter, The Ladder, beginning in 1956. Martin took over editorship of the newsletter from 1960 to 1962.

    Within five years of its origin, the Daughters of Bilitis had chapters around the country, including Chicago, New York, New Orleans, San Diego, Los Angeles, Detroit, Denver, Cleveland and Philadelphia. There were 500 subscribers to "The Ladder," but far more readers, as copies were circulated among women who were reluctant to put their names to a subscription list.

    Martin and Lyon have been active in the National Organization for Women (NOW) since 1967. Martin was the first openly lesbian woman elected to NOW. Lyon and Martin worked to combat the homophobia they perceived in NOW, and encouraged the National Board of Directors of NOW's 1971 resolution that lesbian issues were feminist issues.

    In 1972, Lyon and Martin published Lesbian/Woman, a book about lesbian life in modern America. I believe it was the first book I read about sexuality that was written by lesbians rather than a doctor or shrink.

    You can read more about Del and Phyllis here.

    And then there's the other side of the coin. See below for just a few of the hateful comments posted on AOL commenting on the gay marriage story by a few of the righteous. They are awful to read but I wanted you to get the full impact of what some our our fellow citizens had to say about equal rights under civil law. Which side are you on?

    aharris442 11:09:23 PM Jun 16 2008
    fagots and queers get married so there is no cheating they both either get mobey dick or puss in boots i guess all are happy HOPE ALL YOU FAGOT , GAY , QUEER , MORFIDITE IDIOTS DIE OF AIDS AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES you ever heard of sav the earth..... get rid of the idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!! presidents and fagots, and steers and queers well texans will be going to ca often seems all they make are stters and queers!!!!!!!!!! where the hell is justice!!!!

    ebmatthew 11:17:49 PM Jun 16 2008

    anakinljones 11:20:32 PM Jun 16 2008
    Will you humpback old cobweb in the vagina stank senile hags come toss my salad? I'm not a lesbo but I love to have my salad tossed. Just because its legal don't make it right morons.............

    cbetty953 11:23:14 PM Jun 16 2008
    They are sick ,they should be sent to a head doctor and who ever passed the law should be hanged by his balls...

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    June 16, 2008 at 10:04 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights | Permalink


    I'm obviously in full support of gay marriage. Those comments are obviously atrocious, idiotic and saddening. Except one made me laugh; the one about moving to Canada.

    Only because Canada has same-sex marriage nationwide.

    Posted by: | Jun 17, 2008 12:41:33 AM

    The commenters on AOL must be related to the hateful jerks who painted a swastica on Mikey Weinstein's home last night. What is wrong with these people?

    Congratulations to Del and Phyllis. They've certainly earned it.

    Posted by: > | Jun 17, 2008 8:55:31 AM

    Those hateful comments show it's not gay people who are destroying "family values" and American morals. Look in the mirror haters.

    Posted by: evan | Jun 17, 2008 1:34:47 PM

    Gay marriage: A sign of moral degeneration in America or a recognition of the right of other human beings to express themselves in the way they feel inclined to. Is it 'unnatural' to be gay? Debate this on www.debatethispredictthat.blogspot.com

    Posted by: | Jun 18, 2008 3:01:17 AM

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