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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alright, I've Had It: I'm Voting Republican

I'm Voting Republican

June 11, 2008 at 05:30 PM in Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday: America Votes Open House

America Votes New Mexico
Invites AV Partners, Friends, Family and Supporters
to Celebrate the Opening of Our New Offices
Thursday, July 12, 2008, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
625 Silver Avenue SW, Suite 185, ABQ
Drinks and Hors D'eouvres Provided
Click for FLYER
We Hope You Can Join Us for the Festivities
RSVP: Petra at psalazar@americavotes.org or 414-2807

Check out the groups that make up the America Votes coalition here.

America Votes is a coalition of the largest membership-based progressive groups in the country, representing a broad range of issues including the environment, civil and human rights, choice, education and labor. America Votes works with 47 national and more than 260 state-based partner organizations. The mission of America Votes is to coordinate the independent electoral activity of these groups to create a permanent progressive infrastructure nationally and in the states. Our coalition partners share innovative strategies and resources to maximize our electoral impact.

Ultimately, the aim of America Votes is to ensure that massive voter mobilization campaigns build a progressive infrastructure that will survive across election cycles.

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June 11, 2008 at 03:33 PM in Events, Local Politics, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

June 28: Host a Unite for Change House Party

One of the things I like most about Barack Obama's campaign is its dedication to a 50-state strategy like that employed by DNC Chair Howard Dean. It's one of the reasons Obama won the nomination and did so well in caucus states. Obama's campaign has already helped organize national canvasses and voter registration drives, and now it's joining forces with the DNC to do much more in that vein.

Even better, Obama's will be the first campaign in history to establish a campaign field office in every single state. Every one. There are no Red States or Blue States; there are only Dem States and those moving to become Dem States in the future.

Not only will this promote Obama's presidential campaign, but it'll bolster party building everywhere and help down-ticket candidates, even in states considered to be Red at the presidential race level. This is the beauty of a 50-state strategy -- it will help elect more Dems up and down the ticket all over the nation in November, and lay the groundwork for even more Dems running for office and winning in the future.

Unite: June 28th: In line with the strategy, Obama's campaign has announced a new, national Unite for Change day of action to take place on June 28th, with house parties hosted by ordinary people all over the nation. So far, I see that seven events are planned in New Mexico. You can sign up to attend one of these or, better yet, organize an event in your own neighborhood.

From the Obama Campaign:
All across the country, Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans are tired of the politics of the past and are looking for new solutions to the challenges we're facing. That's why we're launching a nationwide day of action on June 28th called "Unite for Change" -- and asking you to host a Unite for Change meeting in your neighborhood.

In all 50 states, supporters like you -- seasoned veterans and first-time volunteers alike -- will host house meetings with the express purpose of reaching out and bringing together folks who supported all of the Democratic candidates (and those who are just tuning into the process now). The goal is to come together and use the common values we share to build a united volunteer organization in your neighborhood that will register new voters and build support locally.

It's going to be an amazing time, and hosting your own event is easy. We'll provide all the tools and resources you'll need. Learn more and sign up to host a Unite for Change party on June 28th:


We're heading into a battle against John McCain, and the stakes are higher than ever before. But the path to victory is as simple as talking to your friends and neighbors. From the beginning, this campaign has been about ordinary people reaching out and building the bonds of community -- empowering one another by coming together to make change.

With the general election approaching, it's more important than ever to keep this momentum going. And there's no better way to make this happen in your community than hosting a Unite for Change event. You'll gather -- not just with Obama supporters, but with anyone who's tired of the politics of the past and ready for something new -- to share your stories and lay the plans for how to build this movement locally in the weeks and months ahead.

It requires some responsibility, but don't worry -- our team will be here with all the support and resources you need to make your Unite for Change event a big success. Learn more and sign up to host a party in your community: https://my.barackobama.com/unite.

...Being in every state will not be enough. In order to succeed in every community in America, it's going to be up to you to take the lead. Everyone who hopes for real change after November is counting on you.

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June 11, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Join AFL-CIO, Working Families in ABQ Today to Protest Gas Prices and Giveaways to Big Oil


The latest federal legislation aimed at tamping down windfall profits for the big oil companies, as well as out-of-control speculation that's a big factor in driving up gas prices, was blocked by Repub Senators yesterday. GOP Senators even used a filibuster threat to stop the extension of tax credits for solar and wind energy, some of which have lapsed and some that will sunset at the end of the year. This last move will almost certainly damage alternative energy development businesses in New Mexico, causing the loss of more good-paying jobs down the road.

EarthoilGood going Pete Domenici and crew. As always, GOP Senators buckled to pressure from Bush, who had threatened to veto the bills if they came to his desk. The Big Oil cronies like things just the way they are -- transferring huge gobs of money from ordinary people into the hands of their wealthy friends and supporters -- as profits and prices skyrocket for goods and transportation.

This latest Repub move to protect Big Oil -- regardless of the consequences -- follows on the heels of their blocking climate change legislation last week that would have enacted a much-needed cap and trade program and requirements designed to rein in rampant oil futures speculation and price fixing.

The boondoggle continues. Big donors to the GOP cause prosper beyond all reason. Working people suffer. Bush doesn't care. Worst of all -- prez candidate John McCain wants to continue Bush's energy horror show for at least four more years.

Join Today's Protest
AFL-CIO members, their families and local citizens won't take it sitting down. They'll join together this afternoon to speak out and protest the record high gas prices. The event will take place at the Shell gas station located at 5210 Central Avenue SE (at San Mateo), at 4:30 PM. Plans for the protest were sparked this week when the national average price of gas hit $4 on Monday, June 9, 2008, up from $1.47 the week President Bush took office.

"This is the first time in our nation’s history that gas has hit such a record high. The price of gas is literally choking working men and women out the American dream. It’s time for Pres. Bush and Sen. McCain to stop the giveaways to their friends in Big Oil and instead start sticking up for working people at home,” said Chris Chavez, Executive Director of the New Mexico State Federation.

At today's protest, union members and citizens will be calling on President Bush to boost the local economy in New Mexico and invest in jobs and energy independence. They will also be calling for an end to tax breaks that benefit Big Oil. The Albuquerque event is one of sixty happening nationwide as part of an AFL-CIO campaign to call on solutions to the record high gas prices.

WHO:  AFL-CIO working families in New Mexico
WHAT: Protest against soaring gas prices
WHERE: Shell Gas Station, 5210 Central Ave. SE (San Mateo & Central)
WHEN: Wednesday June 11th, 4:30-5:00 PM

Think about this: McCain's corporate tax cut proposal alone would give the five largest oil companies $3.8 billion in tax breaks. McCain loves big breaks for Big Oil.

I like this quote:

Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, called the tax breaks given to the oil companies "the largest packet of corporate welfare" ever granted by the U.S. Congress.

"Last year Exxon Mobile made $83,000 a minute in profits. Are they using all this profit to invest in alternative fuels? How about increasing refinery capacity? Oh no, they've got their hand out to us. This is the nerve," she told colleagues. "What nerve does it take for us to give oil companies $17 billion in taxpayer money with those kind of profits? This is like the twilight zone."

AFL-CIO President President John Sweeney had this to say: "Record gas prices are choking off the American Dream for millions of working families. When gas costs $4 a gallon, it defies logic that President Bush and Sen. McCain continue to support massive tax giveaways for Big Oil, while offering no real path to energy independence.  Are Bush and McCain so dangerously out of touch that they think the answer to the gas price crisis is billions more in tax breaks to ExxonMobil?"

At the rallies this week, AFL-CIO working families will highlight the oil industry's massive profits under George Bush -– which top $525 billion -– as prices have skyrocketed from $1.47 a gallon when Bush took office to a historic high of $4 a gallon today.

Mccainoil1_2McCain's Dismal Energy Record
Union members will also raise awareness about Sen. McCain's record in support of the oil industry's interests, and highlight his lack of empathy for working families who are struggling. In addition to proposing massive tax giveaways for Big Oil, McCain has repeatedly voted to protect the oil industry's profits, even as they're squeezing working families at the pump. McCain voted against curtailing oil companies' windfall profits to give working families a tax cut in 2005, and he skipped a vote in 2007 that would have repealed tax breaks for Big Oil. Despite the economic woes facing working families, McCain asserted again last week that he believes the fundamentals of the economy are "very strong."

"Working people are getting battered in today's economy, and they're fed up with business as usual," Sweeney said. "It's more than the gas prices. The economy is bleeding jobs and people's stagnant paychecks can't cover the grocery and housing bills. Record gas prices are part of a much larger problem –- leaders like Bush and McCain have handed the reins of the economy over to Big Oil and other corporate interests whose only concern is maximizing their profit margins."

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June 11, 2008 at 11:21 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Energy, Events, John McCain, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bernalillo County Clerk Gets EAC Grant for Mock Election

Congratulations to Maggie Toulouse Oliver and all the folks at the Bernalillo County Clerk's office. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) will award an average of $20,000 each to 10 organizations from nine states that educate secondary school students and their parents about the electoral process through staged national elections. The Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office was awarded $20,091 under the program.

Bernalillo County has more than 620,000 residents in 424 precincts and serves large minority populations consisting of Hispanic/Latin American and Native American citizens. The Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office has titled their program, “Go Vote!,” and they will target senior level students enrolled in four high schools serving largely minority precincts. Their mock election will feature real candidates and ballot issues that will mirror the real ballot and the election process that voters will experience in November. The goal of the program is to have 90% or better of the targeted high school students participate in the mock election program.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission will also award $750,000 to 27 colleges and nonprofit organizations from 18 states to recruit students to serve as poll workers during the November presidential election. The EAC estimates roughly 8,800 college students will become poll workers as a result of the grants, known as the Help America Vote College Program.

The full list of grant recipients is available on the EAC website.

“These grant programs will help not only recruit more poll workers for November, but also recruit the next generation of poll workers by focusing on recruiting and educating younger Americans about the importance of civic participation on Election Day.”

Through the Help America Vote College Program, the EAC distributes funds to increase the pool of qualified poll workers. The program also seeks to ease poll worker shortages such as those seen in the 2004 election, where 5.8 percent of polling places and 4 percent of precincts reported having too few poll workers, according to the EAC Election Day Survey.

This is the program’s third year — in 2004 and 2006, its grantees brought in more than 5,000 students to serve as poll workers. Poll workers are critical to running smooth elections—they set up and take down polling place materials and equipment, check voters’ registration, and demonstrate how to use voting systems.

In addition to administering the Help America Vote College Program, the EAC also provides information about poll worker requirements in each state, and issues guidebooks and information to local election officials on poll worker recruitment and training.

Getting younger students interested in voting is another goal of the grant programs. The Mock Election Program is designed to instill in younger students an interest in the election process by allowing them to participate in a simulated election with voting equipment, ballots and poll workers.

Winners of both programs were selected through an independent review process that examined each applicant’s level of experience and their management and conceptual approaches for meeting program goals.

The EAC is an independent bipartisan commission created by the Help America Vote Act. The EAC serves as a national clearinghouse and resource of information regarding election administration. It is charged with administering payments to states and developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system test laboratories and certifying voting equipment. It is also charged with developing and maintaining a national mail voter registration form. The four EAC commissioners are Rosemary Rodriguez, chair; Caroline Hunter, vice chair; Gracia Hillman; and Donetta Davidson.

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June 10, 2008 at 06:32 PM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Come to Martin Heinrich's Victory Party This Thursday

From Martin Heinrich for Congress: It's been one week since Martin's big primary win and now that we're all rested - it's time to party!

You're cordially invited to join The Honorable Rebecca Vigil-Giron, First Lady Clara Apodaca, The Honorable Richard Romero, John Kelly and others for a Primary Victory Party with the Democratic Nominee for New Mexico's First Congressional District, Martin Heinrich!

What? Primary Victory Party
When? Thursday, June 12, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Where? The National Hispanic Cultural Center, The Salon Ortega & Courtyard, 1701 4th Street SW, Albuquerque
RSVP Online!

The Democratic Party is united around Martin Heinrich and we're ready to win. Yesterday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced that Martin Heinrich is a 'Red to Blue' candidate. This means that this campaign is one of the most important races in the country and Democrats must do everything possible to make sure we win it. And, in a further demonstration of the national importance of this race, The Guardian - a prominent British newspaper - recently profiled Martin.

It's clear that all eyes will once again be on New Mexico's First Congressional District. And, this is our best chance ever to turn this seat from red to blue. So, please, come to our victory party and contribute $25, so that together, we can change Congress.

Thanks so much for your continued support.

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June 10, 2008 at 05:14 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

RSVP Now for DFA Campaign Academy in ABQ 6/21-22

Sample a recent training.

We're very excited to announce that DFA-Democracy for New Mexico will be welcoming folks from Democracy for America (DFA) in Vermont to Albuquerque later this month. They'll be presenting a top-notch two-day training academy on June 21-22 at the UNM Law School in Albuquerque. It's a can't miss event for anyone involved with a progressive campaign this Fall -- whether you're a volunteer, campaign staffer, candidate or contemplating a possible future run for office.

The acclaimed DFA Campaign Academy empowers everyday citizens to manage and work for successful campaigns, and even run for office themselves. Co-organized by DFA activists in Albuquerque, each DFA training is shaped to fit the needs of local grassroots activists. DFA is dedicated to building a grassroots infrastructure of skilled progressive activists in all 50 states, and highly successful training academy's have been held in many locations around the nation with more on the way.

Find out more and RSVP here: www.democracyforamerica.com/newmexico_training. If you're coming from out of town, we'll be posting info soon about nearby lodging at a group rate.

The DFA Campaign Academy brings together dozens of local activists and candidates for two days of intensive campaign training. Top campaign professionals give you a step-by-step guide to running a winning grassroots campaign. Sessions include: field planning and targeting, voter contact, fundraising, communications, volunteer recruitment and much more. Read more about the curriculum, the trainers and see testimonials about the training here.

Join the folks from DFA and dozens of local grassroots activists in Albuquerque for two days of energizing campaign training. To sign up or get more info visit www.democracyforamerica.com/newmexico_training.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and a social event will be organized Saturday evening so you can mingle and network with other activists in your area. The training will run from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday.

If you are a candidate running for office and plan on attending, please email DFA at training(at)democracyforamerica.com and let them know.

Campaigns are encouraged to send representatives from among their staff and volunteers to take advantage of some of the best campaign training available anywhere.

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June 10, 2008 at 09:51 AM in Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Education, Events, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (2)

Rep. Tom Udall's Sabinoso Wilderness Bill Passes U.S. House

Yesterday the Sabinoso Wilderness Act of 2008, HR 2632, was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on a unanimous voice vote. If the bill is passed by the Senate, it will be the second wilderness bill related to New Mexico to be considered for passage in more than 20 years. The legislation would set aside more than 17,600 pristine acres east of Las Vegas, NM as wilderness, including the majestic canyons and rugged beauty of one of the finest intact Great Plains ecosystems left in New Mexico.

Rep. Tom Udall (D, NM-01), who sponsored the bill, said in a statement, "The House's broad, bipartisan support for my Sabinoso proposal should push the Senate to act on this legislation now. I worked with community groups in New Mexico to make this a plan that everybody, from every part of the political spectrum, can support."

Said Udall, "Sabinoso is more than an incredibly beautiful patch of land -- it is a thriving ecosystem and a piece of New Mexico history. Visitors to the area will find horses, wild turkeys and other birds most people never get a chance to see. They will also find homesteads that go back generations and pristine wilderness that still looks like it did when settlers first came to this part of North America."

"This legislation is the product of a lot of hard work and discussion," said Udall. "I worked with everybody who wanted a say in the bill, and it reflects the interests of everybody who will be impacted."

Please call Congressman Tom Udall at 202-225-6190 and thank him for his leadership and hard work on passing the Sabinoso Wilderness Bill.

The Sabinoso area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the state of New Mexico. If the measure is approved, the area would still be available for grazing, hunting and other recreational uses and landowners would still have access to private land nearby.

The Sabinoso Wilderness Act is widely supported by local governments, business and economic development interests, sportsmen, conservation groups, and state officials. More specifically, the New Mexico State House of Representatives, San Miguel County Commission, Village of Wagon Mound, and the Town of Springer have passed resolutions supporting the designation of the Sabinoso wilderness.

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance has more info on the Sabinoso.

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June 10, 2008 at 08:19 AM in Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

NARAL Pro-Choice Political Update Set for 6.12.08

NARAL New Mexico choicePAC
Invites you to a
Pro-Choice Political Update
with  Martha Burk &
NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico
Thursday, June 12, 2008, 6 - 7:30 PM
Corrales, NM

Get an inside look at women, politics and our progress electing a pro-choice Senate in New Mexico! $75 suggested contribution. Please RSVP to Anathea Chino at 505-243-4443 or achino@prochoicenm.org.

Martha Burk is a political psychologist and in 2003 led the protest to open the doors to women at the Augusta National Golf Club, previously a male-only club. She is currently the Money Editor for Ms. Magazine and has recently released her latest book, Your Money And Your Life: The High Stakes for Women Voters in ’08 and Beyond (April 2008). 


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June 10, 2008 at 07:36 AM in Events, Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 09, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich One of 12 Named to DCCC Red to Blue Open Seat Program

Heinrich Family

Excellent news. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving candidate. NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich will receive welcome support for his campaign from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Chairman Chris Van Hollen announced in a release today that Heinrich will immediately be added to the DCCC's Red to Blue program for open seats following his decisive victory in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Congressional candidates earn a spot in the competitive program by surpassing demanding fundraising goals and by skillfully showing voters that they stand for change and will represent new priorities when elected to Congress. Heinrich is one of only 12 candidates in the Red to Blue program for open seats. Click to see the full list of candidates and donate via ActBlue.

“Martin Heinrich is a strong and principled leader committed to change. Martin has a proven record of raising the minimum wage, creating good jobs, cracking down on crime and protecting New Mexico’s environment,” said Chairman Chris Van Hollen. “The Red to Blue Program will give Martin the financial and structural edge to be even more competitive.”

The Red to Blue program highlights top Democratic campaigns across the country and offers them financial, communications, and strategic support. The program introduces Democratic supporters to new, competitive candidates in order to help expand the fundraising base for these campaigns.

Red to Blue was a proven success in the 2004 and 2006 cycles. In 2004, the Red to Blue program raised nearly $7.5 million for 27 campaigns across the country with an average of more than $250,000 per campaign. In 2006, the Red to Blue program raised nearly $22.6 million for 56 campaigns. Red to Blue was also responsible for solidifying the structure of dozens of campaigns and making a real difference for Democrats across America.

Martin Heinrich will face Repub Darren White in November's NM-01 Congessional election. To see our previous coverage of the NM-01 race, visit our archive. Heinrich won New Mexico's June 3rd primary with about 43% of the vote in a four-way contest.

Technorati Tags:

June 9, 2008 at 02:10 PM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)