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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 28: Fundraiser for Maggie Toulouse Oliver Campaign

You are invited to a Fundraising Get-Together Honoring:
Maggie Toulouse Oliver - Bernalillo County Clerk
Hosted by:
Mathew & Christina Woodlee; Chris Garcia;
Joseph Garcia; Raul & Nasha Torrez; Laura E. Sanchez;
Erika Anderson; Mo Chavez
Saturday, June 28th, 2008; 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
At The Home of
Mathew & Christina Woodlee
7925 Derickson Ave., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
(Located near Wyoming & San Antonio)
$50.00 Suggested Contribution
(Any amount is most appreciated)

June 18, 2008 at 08:59 AM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Myriad Horrors of Too Much Money in Too Few Hands


Go ahead, read what Barbara Ehrenreich has to say and consider what the uber-rich are doing to the West and many other places of beauty and character. Meanwhile, the middle class deteriorates and people can't afford to go to the dentist, buy decent groceries or keep up with their rent or mortgages. Bravo corporatism, tax-free investment gains and the unrestrained "free market." Excerpt:

About ten years ago, for example, a friend and I rented a snug, inexpensive one-bedroom house in Driggs, Idaho, just over the Teton Range from wealthy Jackson Hole, Wyoming. At that time, Driggs was where the workers lived, driving over the Teton Pass every day to wait tables and make beds on the stylish side of the mountains. The point is, we low-rent folks got to wake up to the same scenery the rich people enjoyed and hike along the same pine-shadowed trails.

But the money was already starting to pour into Driggs -- Paul Allen of Microsoft, August Busch III of Anheuser-Busch, Harrison Ford -- transforming family potato farms into vast dynastic estates. I haven't been back, but I understand Driggs has become another unaffordable Jackson Hole. Where the wait staff and bed-makers live today I do not know.

.. Of all the crimes of the rich, the aesthetic deprivation of the rest of us may seem to be the merest misdemeanor. Many of them owe their wealth to the usual tricks: squeezing their employees, overcharging their customers and polluting any land they're not going to need for their third or fourth homes. Once they've made (or inherited) their fortunes, the rich can bid up the price of goods that ordinary people also need -- housing, for example. Gentrification is dispersing the urban poor into overcrowded suburban ranch houses, while billionaires' horse farms displace rural Americans into trailer homes. Similarly, the rich can easily fork over annual tuitions of $50,000 and up, which has helped make college education a privilege of the upper classes.

... When I was a child, I sang "America the Beautiful" and meant it. I was born in the Rocky Mountains and raised, at various times, on the coasts. The Big Sky, the rolling surf, the jagged, snowcapped mountains -- all this seemed to be my birthright. But now I flinch when I hear Woody Guthrie's line "This land was made for you and me." Somehow, I don't think it was meant to be sung by a chorus of hedge-fund operators.

Having bought up most of the beautiful locales in the nation, sent prices skyrocketing, screwed up the housing and finance industries, jacked up the stock exchange with bubbles, sunk the dollar to record lows and arranged to have poisonous food and other commodities imported into America, the uber-rich "investor class" is now searching about for places to put their huge sums of excess cash. Enter outrageous speculation, often beyond the reach of the law. Wonder why commodity, food and energy prices are exploding? Check out the games being played by the wealth elites to get even more bang for their capital. The crony capitalists are still hungry for more.

Technorati Tags:

June 17, 2008 at 01:20 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Poverty | Permalink | Comments (2)

NM Dem Party Demands That Pearce Return Tainted Money; GOP Going Off the Tracks?

CALLING STEVE PEARCE: Return the money from discredited Texan Clayton Williams, and repudiate his repulsive remarks about rape.

John McCain was forced to cancel a Texas fundraiser this past weekend hosted by oil man Clayton Williams after he was confronted with sexist quotes made by the monied GOP donor but has so far refused to return more than $300,000 his campaign Williams has raised for McCain. The most egregious prounouncement by Williams equated rape with the weather, saying "as long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

As I previously posted, Steve Pearce, the GOP's candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, has gotten $4,000 from Williams going back to his 2006 campaign for Congress -- plus who knows how much more from donors "bundled" by Williams. The Democratic Party of New Mexico is now demanding that Pearce return the money.

"Steve Pearce and John McCain need to do the right thing and return every dollar they have gotten from their sexist and misguided friend, Clayton Williams," said Conchita Cruz, Press Secretary for the Democratic Party of New Mexico. "Pearce's silence on the matter is unacceptable, as Williams' words are disturbing and out of step with New Mexico values."

Ironically, one of the major mantras of Pearce's campaign is that he "represents New Mexico values." Guess not, at least when it comes to taking campaign contributions. No wonder Sen. John Ensign, who heads the GOP's Senate campaign committee, was quoted as saying that putting money into races Repubs can't win, like the one in New Mexico, would be a waste.

GOP Woes
It appears that GOP candidates -- as well as the Republican Party itself -- are in big trouble this election cycle. And the tension and bad blood within the Party are growing. Check out Peter St. Cyr's post (and extensive audio) reporting on the New Mexico GOP's convention in Las Cruces last Saturday. One controversy at the event resulted in Albuquerque delegate Patrick Marron being tossed out for trying to ask a question about the ban on taking photos or recording the event. State Party Chair Allen Weh defended the move:

“Other state’s run their conventions by Robert’s Rules,” said Chairman Allen Weh. “Not ours. This convention was run by the chairman’s gavel. ... “It’s my bat, my ball, and he [Marron] struck out.”

Ooooh, how autocratic! Weh and his pals probably think Robert's Rules are un-American. Order before democracy! And I wonder why they're so paranoid about people taking pics or taping the proceedings.

According to St. Cyr, Jeff Wright, state field director of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's presidential campaign, was also closed out of the meeting (at least the SCC meeting portion):

"What we want is the beginning of a recognition that the Republican Party has gone far afield," said Wright ... It's not about the man, it's the message. The Republican Party is damn near about to go off the tracks."

Technorati Tags:

June 17, 2008 at 12:18 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-02: Sen. Bingaman to Host Benefit for Teague

Sen. Jeff Bingaman is hosting a barbeque fundraiser on June 21, 2008 at A Lodge on the Desert in Las Cruces for NM-02 Congressional candidate Harry Teague. See below the fold for details.

(Click on image for larger version)

Harry Teague is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Give what you can.

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June 17, 2008 at 10:59 AM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

True Blue New Mexico: Martin Heinrich on the Case for Change

Yesterday New Mexico FBIHOP and the DFNM blog launched True Blue New Mexico 2.0 with a post explaining what we're up to. Today we each have a special guest post by NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich giving us his take on what's at stake this year:

I’d like to thank Democracy for New Mexico and New Mexico FBIHOP for this opportunity. The contribution that these and other blogs across the Land of Enchantment make is a testament to the strength of our American democracy.

Over at New Mexico FBIHOP, I talk about why this is a race that we can win and here, I’m going to focus on why we must win.

MartinheinrichThis year, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

The Earth is heating up. Gas prices are out of control. Wages are stagnant. Millions lack health care. And, we’re stuck in an endless war.

After two terms of the failed policies of George Bush and Dick Cheney, it’s time for real change.

On the Albuquerque City Council, I took on the tough fights and delivered for working families. I fought for an increase in the minimum wage not because it was easy – but, because it was the right thing to do. We brought people together across party lines to give hard working New Mexicans a raise.

In Congress, I’ll take on the tough issues.

I’ll work to end the war in Iraq, bring our troops home and invest the $300 million a day that we’re spending over there turning America’s economy around and helping middle class families here.

I’ll work to break America’s oil addiction and create jobs by investing in the clean technologies of the future. And, I’ll work to make sure that all Americans have access to high quality, affordable health care.

My opponent, George Bush’s Bernalillo County Campaign Chair, is an acolyte of the President. He supported banning people who refused to sign a loyalty oath from seeing the American President speak. He said that under George Bush, the "economy is strong and getting stronger." It’s no wonder that President Bush came to Albuquerque to raise of $300,000 to help elect Sheriff White.

Sheriff White is an out of touch George Bush Republican and out of step with mainstream New Mexico values.

We have a lot of work to do between now and June 30th. That’s the last day of the second quarter and we know that Darren White raised hundreds of thousands of dollars thanks to his friend and ally President Bush. It’s up to us to close the gap and fight back. This is our opportunity to turn New Mexico’s First Congressional District – a district that voted for Al Gore and John Kerry – blue.

Together, we can change Washington.

- Martin

P.S. Make sure to follow on my campaign blog, www.martinheinrich.com/blog!

We'll have a post by one of our True Blue New Mexico candidates every day this week. Be sure to check back, and be sure to click here and give what you can. If everyone reading this post would donate even a dollar per candidate, our totals would quickly add up -- and our candidates would have more of what they need to get out in front early, and stay there.

Technorati Tags:

June 17, 2008 at 08:52 AM in Guest Blogger, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Martinlyon1 Martinlyon2
Martinlyon3 Martinlyon4
Click on photos for larger images.

First the "spouses for life." Later the cruel reactions. Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 84, who have been a couple for 55 years, were among the first same-sex partners to legally exchange marriage vows in California Monday.

Del and Phyllis were pioneering lesbians and feminists. Even I can't truly know what they went through in the early days of their relationship, although it was still very brutal when I had my first gay relationship in the late 60s. In 1955, Martin, Lyon and six other lesbian women formed the Daughters of Bilitis, the first major lesbian organization in the United States. Lyon was the first editor of DOB's newsletter, The Ladder, beginning in 1956. Martin took over editorship of the newsletter from 1960 to 1962.

Within five years of its origin, the Daughters of Bilitis had chapters around the country, including Chicago, New York, New Orleans, San Diego, Los Angeles, Detroit, Denver, Cleveland and Philadelphia. There were 500 subscribers to "The Ladder," but far more readers, as copies were circulated among women who were reluctant to put their names to a subscription list.

Martin and Lyon have been active in the National Organization for Women (NOW) since 1967. Martin was the first openly lesbian woman elected to NOW. Lyon and Martin worked to combat the homophobia they perceived in NOW, and encouraged the National Board of Directors of NOW's 1971 resolution that lesbian issues were feminist issues.

In 1972, Lyon and Martin published Lesbian/Woman, a book about lesbian life in modern America. I believe it was the first book I read about sexuality that was written by lesbians rather than a doctor or shrink.

You can read more about Del and Phyllis here.

And then there's the other side of the coin. See below for just a few of the hateful comments posted on AOL commenting on the gay marriage story by a few of the righteous. They are awful to read but I wanted you to get the full impact of what some our our fellow citizens had to say about equal rights under civil law. Which side are you on?

aharris442 11:09:23 PM Jun 16 2008
fagots and queers get married so there is no cheating they both either get mobey dick or puss in boots i guess all are happy HOPE ALL YOU FAGOT , GAY , QUEER , MORFIDITE IDIOTS DIE OF AIDS AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES you ever heard of sav the earth..... get rid of the idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!! presidents and fagots, and steers and queers well texans will be going to ca often seems all they make are stters and queers!!!!!!!!!! where the hell is justice!!!!

ebmatthew 11:17:49 PM Jun 16 2008

anakinljones 11:20:32 PM Jun 16 2008
Will you humpback old cobweb in the vagina stank senile hags come toss my salad? I'm not a lesbo but I love to have my salad tossed. Just because its legal don't make it right morons.............

cbetty953 11:23:14 PM Jun 16 2008
They are sick ,they should be sent to a head doctor and who ever passed the law should be hanged by his balls...

Technorati Tags:

June 16, 2008 at 10:04 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (4)

(Updated) Gore to Endorse Obama Tonight: Watch It Live

Update: You can see a video of Gore's endorsement of Obama here.
At long last. Al Gore has sent out an email to supporters (see below the fold) announcing that he will endorse Barack Obama for President tonight at 6:30 PM MDT at an Obama rally in Detroit. You can watch a live-stream of the announcement at BarackObama.com.

Dear Friend,
A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.

Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges -- including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.

This moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.

That's why I am asking you to join me in showing your support by making a contribution to this campaign today:

Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.

With the help of millions of supporters like you, Barack Obama will bring the change we so desperately need in order to solve our country's most pressing problems.

If you've already contributed to this campaign, I ask that you consider making another contribution right now. If you haven't, please take the next step and own a piece of this campaign today:

On the issues that matter most, Barack Obama is clearly the right choice to lead our nation.

We have a lot of work to do in the next few months to elect Barack Obama president, and it begins by making a contribution to this campaign today.

Thank you for joining me,
Al Gore

LIVE TONIGHT -- 6:30 p.m. MDT: Watch streaming video of Al Gore and Barack Obama at a rally in Detroit, Michigan:


Technorati Tags:

June 16, 2008 at 01:16 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (0)

Pitch In to Create a True Blue New Mexico

New Mexico FBIHOP and the Democracy for New Mexico blog are re-launching the True Blue New Mexico campaign today -- this time with the Democratic candidates for all the federal races.

You can donate at the True Blue New Mexico ActBlue fundraising page, where you'll find the full slate of Democratic candidates New Mexicans can vote for come November.

This year, voters around New Mexico and across the country have voted for change in record numbers, and not just for presidential candidate Barack Obama but for more local races as well. Progressive candidates already shocked incumbents in state Senate and House primaries earlier this month.

This Is Our Moment
In 2008, New Mexicans have a chance for a true change -- a golden opportunity to make a True Blue New Mexico. There are more Democrats than Republicans registered in the state, and Democrats control both the state Senate and House. Yet in federal offices, Republicans hold a 3-2 advantage, including a 2-1 advantage in the House. This year, that can change -- and change dramatically.

When Sen. Pete Domenici decided to retire due to medical problems, it created a scramble for his seat that eventually enveloped the entire House delegation. All three representatives decided to run for the Senate seat. Candidates for their now-open House seats popped up everywhere.

After the dust settled, Democrats were left with five great candidates for federal office: Sen. Barack Obama in the Presidential race, Rep. Tom Udall in the Senate race, Martin Heinrich in the 1st Congressional District, Harry Teague in the 2nd Congressional District and Ben Ray Lujan in the 3rd Congressional District.

Watch for Candidate Guest Posts This Week
Throughout week, these candidates (except Obama) will be letting you know on both Democracy for New Mexico and New Mexico FBIHOP why they deserve your vote and your donations. Tuesday, Martin Heinrich will write on both blogs, followed by Harry Teague on Wednesday, Ben Ray Lujan on Thursday and culminating with Tom Udall on Friday.

Why Now?
But why now? The simple answer is EMILY -- Early Money is Like Yeast, and as the old saying goes, it helps to raise the dough. Please donate now. Every early dollar helps. Money donated on October 20th, just a couple weeks before the election, is not as valuable as money sent now. Money sent now can be used to hire staffers, it can be used to raise more money -- it is incredibly valuable to candidates.

Some of these candidates will be in extremely close races -- but with your help, they can make a True Blue New Mexico for years to come.

Technorati Tags:

June 16, 2008 at 11:36 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink | Comments (0)

Richardson Wins Our Dem VP Straw Poll

A week ago Sunday we posted our straw poll to discover your favorite Dem VP candidate, and the results are in. Check below the fold for complete results. Your top choices were Gov. Bill Richardson (21%) and John Edwards (15%), with Hillary Clinton and Gen. Wesley Clark tied for third with 11% each. VA Senator Jim Webb finished a close fourth with 10%. Trailing the field and getting zero votes were former Senator Sam Nunn, GOP Senator Chuck Hagel and VA Gov. Tim Kaine.

According to an article in the Virginia Pilot, Sen. Webb is getting significant online buzz, second only to Hillary. "A Google news search last week for "Jim Webb and running mate," produced 1,717 hits. A "Jim Webb and vice president" query brought 2,413 responses. Webb's totals eclipsed those of every other Democratic prospect, save Clinton, a special case thanks to her quest for the top spot and status as a former first lady."

Meanwhile, talk seems to have dissipated about a VP slot for Richardson, and his recent international travels indicate he might be more interested in become Secretary of State in an Obama administration. In recent weeks Richardson has been negotiating deals and meeting leaders in places like Mexico, Israel, Germany and Spain. Pressures on Obama to pick Hillary to fill out a "unity ticket" also appear to be waning given the problems inherent in having Bill Clinton looking over Barack's shoulder.

Former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark's name is getting mentioned more frequently, and he seems to have genuine interest in becoming VP. He's been out and about in the media showing off his credentials and ability to go after McCain in a tough and credible manner.

Lots of leaking has also been going on of other possible VPs with military experience, including former Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Tony McPeak; Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, who has advised Obama on military matters; Richard Danzig, Secretary of the Navy under Clinton; former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton; former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. James Jones; and retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, who's a former CENTCOM Commander and was an early opponent of the Iraq invasion.

Former VA Gov. Mark Warner recently he's not interested in the VP slot, and that he fully intends to continue his run for U.S. Senate instead. John Edwards doesn't seem very excited about running as VP again and has essentially said he doesn't want the role, although he later said he'd take it if Obama insisted. Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland has withdrawn his name from consideration.

Technorati Tags:

June 16, 2008 at 10:39 AM in 2008 Dem VP Candidates | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Few Pics from ABQ Pridefest

Equality New Mexico booth

Another Albuquerque Pridefest has come and gone with Pride events coming up later this month in places like Santa Fe and Las Cruces. The Saturday morning parade up Central and events at New Mexico Expo on Friday and Saturday were all jam packed with people from all walks of life, whether GLBT or straight as an arrow. The Dem Party, Dem candidates, EQNM, Defenders of Wildlife and other activists and politicos participated in the parade and staffed booths to pass out literature and stickers and register people to vote. Here are a few photos from Saturday's Fest at what used to be called the New Mexico Fairgrounds.

Volunteers and MEB at the Dem Party of New Mexico booth

Obama vols shared the DPNM booth

Voter registration vols worked the crowd

Martin Heinrich booth


Dscn4575 Dscn4569

Dscn4568 Dscn4578


Click on photos for larger versions. All photos by M.E. Broderick.

Technorati Tags:

June 15, 2008 at 03:33 PM in Democratic Party, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (0)