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    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    (Updated) Obama Invitation Only Event Monday in ABQ

    UPDATE: The Obama campaign has publicly released info saying "Senator Obama will take a tour of a local business and have a discussion with working women" in Albuquerque tomorrow. The event is still by invitation only. They also released the location but stated it wasn't for publication. If you help me buy a new video cam for blogging use, I'll tell you where it is.*
    I'm not sure exactly what this means, but I bet I'm not on the invitation list. According to an email from Obama's campaign: United States Senator Barack Obama will return to New Mexico and Nevada next week as part of his “Change That Works for You” economic tour. Senator Obama will hold an event in the Albuquerque area on Monday, June 23rd and an event in Las Vegas on Tuesday, June 24th. Events are invitation only. More details will be announced as soon as they are available.

    *Just kidding! But I might as well come out and say it: We really could use donations for a video device better than the digital still camera we're using for video, not to mention what it will cost to stay in Denver to cover the DNC Convention in August as New Mexico's rep on the State Blogger Corps. Click on the orange DONATE button on the upper left-hand side of the page. The blog email address is dfnm_albq AT comcast.net. Show us some love.

    June 22, 2008 at 04:21 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink


    I have a message for Barak: NO RETROACTIVE IMMUNITY.

    I mean it. Want my money? Then stand up for us against the telecoms.

    Posted by: bg | Jun 21, 2008 4:19:46 PM

    His statement is really, really awful on this. Wake up Obama. If you want any support from your base, better start acting like you've read the constitution and all the amendements.

    Posted by: JJ | Jun 22, 2008 3:46:06 PM

    I'll see you there, Barb.

    Posted by: | Jun 22, 2008 5:09:02 PM

    We'll see. My last post on Obama and FISA wasn't exactly full of praise....

    Posted by: | Jun 22, 2008 5:18:28 PM

    Well, that's why we like you so much, Barb :-)

    Posted by: | Jun 22, 2008 6:43:13 PM

    Obama has a chance to show some real leadership with this FISA bill, I hope he takes full advantage of this opportunity.

    Posted by: VP | Jun 22, 2008 9:25:38 PM

    My first impulse was to whip out my credit card, but then I remembered it was stolen yesterday And that paypal link doesn't work. Is there a email address to send a paypal donation to? (Assuming it works, since I've cancelled my credit cards. I think I have some money in my PP acct, though.)

    Posted by: itle="https://whatdoiknow.typepad.com" href="https://whatdoiknow.typepad.com">KathyF | Jun 22, 2008 11:02:23 PM

    Hmm, that link I put in was working yesterday, but not today. The button on the upper left-hand of my blog seems to be working though!

    Sorry to hear about the theft of your credit cards. The hassles, just for starters!

    My email address for this blog is up at the upper left hand corner under Email Me or you can click on my name on this comment or dfnm_albq AT comcast.net

    Posted by: barb | Jun 23, 2008 8:19:07 AM

    After the primary we want to unify and support Obama.We all know that Hillary took our state in the caucus, which by now is water under the bridge. But still she took our state. Our Governor waiting until th e last possible moment chose to endorse Obama, which is his choice. This angered and upset those who supported and voted for Hillary. The last time Obama came to New Mexico it was also a closed and by invitation only meeting. If we are trying to unify and suppot the nominee, I would think that closed and by invitation only meetings are not going to achive that goal. This is an historical moment in history to have an African-american be the nominee for President of the United States. The3 Democratic party that I know has always been an inclusive party. Our state right now is a red state if McCain chooses to have more public participation in New Mexico we will be electing McCain. In my opinion,inclusivity is a two way street. It would behoove Obama to make a concerted effort to have more events open to the public. This might help to engage the Hillary supporters to not vote for McCain but to vote for Obama and end the Bush regime that has done everything to be against women

    Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jun 23, 2008 10:19:40 AM

    I've never understood this "Hillary took our State" thing. The final vote was (if I Google correctly):

    Clinton 73,105
    Obama 71,396

    a difference of 1,709*.

    Even more importantly, these caucus/primaries weren't "winner take all". So when it came down to it, Clinton got 14 delegates and Obama 12.

    So to this "Hillary took our State" sentiment, I say: whoopee. big whoopee. Guess those two extra delegates made all the difference, huh?

    As for Obama making an invite-only appearance, I don't like it, but, then again, I'm not the kind of person to show up at those shindigs whether "invited" or not. I've never really understood the "if he shakes my hand, I have to vote for him" concept anyway.

    I'm far more concerned with the FISA vote, and I'm looking for more information on the Senator's position beyond what looks to be a really lame-o one. The next few days should be interesting.

    *Not to mention the fact it was a closed primary, and that plenty of democratic-leaning independents didn't even get to vote in the ill-named "caucus".

    Posted by: > | Jun 23, 2008 1:19:23 PM

    Barb, if you're looking for a fairly inexpensive video camera that takes really good web ready video, you might want to check out the Flip Ultra video camera. It's a nice little camera with a good lens, and a 2x zoom. It'll fit in your pocket, plus it's not too expensive (less than a couple hundred bucks). If you can't get one at Best Buy, you can check them out here: https://theflip.com/ (no I don't work for them ;) )

    Posted by: | Jun 25, 2008 10:35:00 AM

    Benson: Thanks for the tip. You're the second person who suggested the Flip, so I'm definitely going to check it out.

    Posted by: barb | Jun 25, 2008 12:17:27 PM

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