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    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    NM-Sen: New Udall Ad Stresses Looking Out for New Mexico Interests

    Tom Udall, running for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, launched a new TV ad today called "Desert." It points out how many in Washington view New Mexico as "nothing but desert" and don't think about our people or jobs. Udall then explains that he's been an advocate for preserving Cannon Air Force Base and expanding the mission of Los Alamos National Labs to counter-terrorism and energy research so that the Labs will continue to prosper. The ad ends with Udall saying, "We have to do what's right for New Mexico."

    In a press release, Udall Campaign Manager Amanda Cooper said, “Tom Udall has fought to protect New Mexico’s economy, job base and families. He successfully defended Cannon Air Force Base when the BRAC Commission targeted it for closure. And Tom Udall has fought tirelessly for the future of LANL by working with the lab to encourage growth in new areas of research such as nuclear nonproliferation, homeland security, counter terrorism, and intelligence analysis to ensure their long-term viability and to move towards the future.”

    Udall's previous ad, Crush, about the ways in which the Bush economy is crushing ordinary people, has become something of a hit on YouTube, with almost 2500 viewings. That's a lot for a Senate race video. You can see all of Udall's TV ads and campaign videos here.

    Other recent Udall news:

    The latest Rasmussen poll has Udall up over Steve Pearce by a whopping 58% to 30% -- for a 26 point lead. Last month, Udall's lead was 18% in a Rasmussen poll taken before the GOP June 3rd Senate primary where Pearce narrowly beat out Heather Wilson. Not only is Udall the choice of 86% of Democrats and 26% of Republicans in this month's poll,  he has a commanding 46% to 27% lead with independents, a major improvement from the ten-point lead he had last month.

    Udall received the endorsement of the New Mexico Fraternal Order of Police at the group's convention in Roswell on June 21st.

    According to a Udall press release, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved legislation yesterday that includes $26.4 million earmarked for two construction projects at Cannon Air. About $18 million will be used be used to build an aircraft maintenance hangar for C-130 aircraft and about $8 million will be used to build a training facility for CV-22 aircraft crews. The legislation also includes funding for more veterans affairs claims processors, affordable military housing and help to veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental illnesses.

    Rep. Udall voted no on FISA last Friday in the U.S. House, saying the bill "would compromise the constitutionally guaranteed rights that make America a beacon of hope around the world."

    Udall answers questions about LANL, the reliable replacement nuclear warhead, water rights, land grants and more at La Jicarita News, which calls itself "A community advocacy newspaper for northern New Mexico."

    Tom Udall is one of the local netroot's True Blue New Mexico candidates and we urge you to donate what you can to his campaign before the FEC's quarterly reporting deadline on June 30th.

    If you can't afford a monetary contribution right now, consider calling the campaign at (505) 884-3055 in Albuquerque and volunteering some hours. There's a lot to do if we want Tom Udall as our next Senator.

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    June 25, 2008 at 12:12 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


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