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    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    NM-Sen: McCain and Pearce Got Money from Controversial GOP Fundraiser Who Compared Rape to Bad Weather

    PearcebwATTENTION STEVE PEARCE: Return the money from discredited Texan Clayton Williams, and repudiate his repulsive remarks about rape.

    According to an article in The HIll:

    The Democratic Party is turning up the pressure on Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), saying he should return the money raised by a Texas oilman who once compared rape to bad weather.

    McCain has already cancelled a fundraising event next week at the home of Clayton Williams, according to ABC News, after being asked about the remarks. Now, the Democratic National Committee is calling on McCain to return the $300,000 Williams has reportedly raised for him.

    ... Williams made national headlines when he was running for governor of Texas in 1990. [He eventually lost to Ann Richards.] A reporter heard him make the comparison between rape and weather. “As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it,” he was quoted as saying at the time.

    Claytonwilliams_2Pearce and His Pal Clayton Williams
    Turns out the GOP's Senate candidate in New Mexico, Steve Pearce, has also received money from the disgusting and demeaning Williams. According to OpenSecrets.org, Clayton Williams of Midland, TX donated $2,000 to Steve Pearce on January 15 of this year. He also gave money to Pearce last election cycle. Williams is one of the GOP's top fundraisers, so who knows how many thousands of dollars he "bundled" from others for Pearce's campaign.

    But there's more.

    Ann Richards campaign ad criticizing Williams on rape comment (h/t )

    A website maintained by the Trans-Pecos Society of Petroleum Engineers features what appears to be a 2004 news article from the Odessa American that reports on Pearce and Williams sharing their distaste for so-called "radical environmentalism" and how it gets in the way of oil and gas profits.

    These two share the shortsighted views that owners should have zero rights when it comes to oil and gas drilling on their land, and that protecting special places like Otero Mesa and the Arctic Wildlife Refuge from the ravages of energy extraction is part of some "radical" agenda. Last time I looked, polling numbers showed that a large majority of New Mexicans favored protecting Otero Mesa, including both environmentalists and ranchers. Guess they're all "radicals" too.

    Let Pearce Know How You Feel
    So, Wiliams and Pearce seem like two peas in a pod in more ways than one. I think we should find out if Pearce also shares Williams' view that women being raped should just relax and enjoy it.

    Remember, Pearce is a guy always carrying on about "family values" and how he'll seek to get Americans in line by imposing the dictates of his personal view of what's "valued." In fact, his campaign slogan is "New Mexico Values for U.S. Senate."

    You might ask him if he shares Williams' "values" about women and the horrible crime of rape. And demand that he return all the donations he's received via crude and nasty Clayton Williams:

    People for Pearce
    --(575) 523-4906, 121 Wyatt, Suite 14, Las Cruces, NM 88001
    --1005 21st Street, Suite B, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
    No email contact info listed: You could try info@peopleforpearce.com

    Technorati Tags:

    June 14, 2008 at 04:33 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    That comment will go down in the history books in Texas. It was utterly scandalous at the time. I'll never forget it. And Ann Richards went on to clean his clock.

    Posted by: | Jun 16, 2008 12:39:42 PM

    As only Ann could clean clocks. How we miss her. And Molly.

    Posted by: | Jun 16, 2008 3:15:48 PM

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