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    Wednesday, June 18, 2008

    NM-03: Ben Ray Luján Endorses Barack Obama

    Note: Ben Ray Luján is live-blogging today at 4:30 PM MDT at Daily Kos. Click to participate.

    Welcome news from Ben Ray Luján, the Dem nominee in NM-03, that he has formally endorsed Barack Obama for President. Luján is expected to be a big help in marshaling support for Obama in Northern New Mexico and other areas of the state, as well as convincing former supporters of Hillary Clinton to unite behind Obama. Unity!

    "Senator Barack Obama has inspired and invigorated Americans who want change in Washington," said Luján. "He's spoken honestly about how we can put people first and move past the failed policies of the Bush Administration. I am proud to endorse Barack Obama for President. At this pivotal moment in history, we need new leaders with vision, judgment and a commitment to change who will work on behalf of the American people."

    "We must come together as Democrats to achieve our goals and stand up for the American people," said Luján. "Juntos podemos. We can end the War in Iraq. We can provide health care for all. We can make our economy work for the middle class. We can develop renewable energy to lower prices and create jobs. Sí, se puede. This is what New Mexico needs, and this is what America needs. I look forward to working with Sen. Obama and Rep. Tom Udall to stand up for the people of New Mexico and our great country. Juntos podemos."

    "Senator Obama has the vision, judgment and experience to solve the problems facing our families and our country in the 21st century," said Luján. "He was right from the beginning on the Iraq War, and he knows from firsthand experience as a community organizer the importance of putting people first. Senator Obama is the leader who will change how Washington works and move past the failed policies of the Bush Administration to end the War in Iraq, fix our economy and expand renewable energy production."

    Barack Obama and Ben Ray Luján are two of the candidates we are supporting in our True Blue New Mexico, which we launched Monday with New Mexico FBIHOP. Please visit the site and contribute so that our candidates have what they need to start the general election season with a bang. Even a single dollar contributed to each candidate will help if we all pitch in.

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    June 18, 2008 at 03:13 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink


    Juntos podemos (together we can)- What a great statement! Isn't that what this country is about? Together we can achieve anything and have in the past, it is time once again to come together for the future of this country. I like it!

    Posted by: woodstock | Jun 19, 2008 8:48:59 AM

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