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    Friday, June 13, 2008

    NM-01: Heinrich Celebrates Victory and Unity (with Photos, Video)

    Rebecca Vigil-Giron introduces and urges support for Martin Heinrich

    Click to view the entire photo album of this event at Flickr.

    Martin Heinrich hosted a festive, high-energy celebration last night at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. He welcomed his long-time supporters and reached out to those who may have backed other Dems in the June 3, 2008 Dem primary in NM-01. It was a victory party and a unity rally all rolled into one, and it was packed with Democrats excited about our prospects in November. True Blue energy was in the air.

    Heinrich addresses the crowd, and Micah joins him

    The event was co-hosted by primary rival Rebecca Vigil-Giron, and prominent Dems Clara Apodaca, Richard Romero, John Kelly and others. The festivities brought out a large and diverse crowd of Dems, from campaign staffers, to volunteers, to grassroots activists to officeholders and well-known voices within the Party.

    We HAVE TO WIN this race ...

    Martin welcomed people on the patio and then moved inside for more conversation and the speeches. In a very gracious move, Vigil-Giron introduced Heinrich at the event and gave a rousing speech urging everyone in the First District to come together and work for a win, no matter their background or which candidate they had supported in the primary. Whole lotta unitin' goin' on.

    Martin welcomes crowd on patio

    Both the speeches and the discussions among the crowd stressed the must-win nature of this race. In a year when Dems have top-notch candidates from Obama for Prez on down the ticket -- and the GOP brand is considered toxic by a majority of Americans -- this is our chance to take back this seat once and for all. IF we work hard at it. IF we unite and work together.

    Rebecca Vigil-Giron and Martin Heinrich

    Heinrich stressed that our work has only just begun, despite a long, tough primary contest, and that it will be an uphill battle to defeat Darren White come November. But win we must with so much at stake right this minute in terms of peace, security, health care, education, energy, the environment, restoring our Constitutional rights and so much more.

    All eyes on Heinrich

    We need the kind of change that only Dems can bring. We need the people-powered change that a Martin Heinrich win can bring in the First District. We need wins at every level, in each and every race we can manage it. We need to pitch in and stay active and talk to friends and neighbors and raise money and donate money and make phone calls and knock on doors and really win this time. Really win this time. Really win this time.

    Martin's son Micah joins him during speech

    The Congressional contest in New Mexico's First District is seen as one of the premier races in the country. We have a really good chance to take a seat long held by Republicans and turn it BLUE this Fall. We have a strong candidate. We have psyched up Dems. We have the eyes of the nation upon us. We have the hopes of future generations hanging in the balance.

    It's up to us to make it happen. Are you ready? Click.

    See more photos of this event at Flickr. All photos and video by M.E. Broderick.

    Technorati Tags:

    June 13, 2008 at 01:48 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Very good that Rebecca is on board and will help generate support for Heinrich.

    I also see that Michelle Lujan Grisham is supporting Martin and will appear with him next month to officially endorse him:


    Posted by: | Jun 13, 2008 11:25:31 AM

    Diverse crowd??? Spin, spin, spin...

    Posted by: | Jun 14, 2008 12:20:33 PM

    Look at the pictures - diverse crowd. I was there and there were all kinds of people there. Heinrich has pulled together a strong coalition and this will only get better with both Rebecca Vigil Giron and Michelle Lujan Grisham endorsing him and working for his campaign. We are gonna win this one.

    Posted by: Brian | Jun 14, 2008 2:12:29 PM

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