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    Sunday, June 15, 2008

    Meet Jim Dean at June 21-22 DFA Campaign Academy in ABQ

    Jim Dean at YearlyKos convention last year in Chicago

    It's just been confirmed. We're very excited that the much-in-demand Democracy for America Chair, Jim Dean (who just happens to be the brother of DNC Chair Howard Dean) will be coming to Albuquerque to be a part of DFA's Campaign Academy in Albuquerque on June 21-22 at UNM Law School. Jim will attend Saturday's morning session and is expected to give another of his famous barn-burner speeches during lunch that day. RSVP for the Training Academy, and come on down and be a part of the action.

    DfalogoAs I posted previously, the DFA Campaign Academy is a must-attend event for anyone involved with a progressive campaign in any capacity. The training empowers everyday citizens to manage successful campaigns, become grounded in the mechanics of successful campaigns and even run for office themselves. Co-organized by local activists in Albuquerque's DFA-Democracy for New Mexico, the training is shaped to fit the needs of local grassroots activists like you.

    Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and a social event will be organized Saturday evening so you can mingle and network with other activists in your area. The training will run from 9 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday.

    If you are a candidate running for office and plan on attending, please email DFA at training(at)democracyforamerica.com and let them know.

    Campaigns are encouraged to send representatives from among their staff and volunteers to take advantage of some of the best campaign training available anywhere.

    Slots are filling up fast, so sign up today.

    To learn more and/or RSVP, visit www.democracyforamerica.com/newmexico_training.

    The DFA Campaign Academy brings together dozens of local activists and candidates for two days of intensive campaign training. Top campaign professionals give you a step-by-step guide to running a winning grassroots campaign. Sessions include: field planning and targeting, voter contact, fundraising, communications, volunteer recruitment and much more.

    DFA has extensive experience running highly acclaimed and heavily attended training academies all over the country. We're very pleased to have them presenting a two-day session in Albuquerque this election cycle.

    Join DFA Chairman Jim Dean and dozens of local grassroots activists in Albuquerque for two days of energizing campaign training.

    Here's the important info on the weekend.

    The Albuquerque DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetup is a coalition partner of the national organization Democracy for America. DFA, located in Burlington, VT, has coalition partners in virtually every state in the union. DFA originated as the Dean for America campaign. After Howard Dean withdrew from the 2004 presidential race, DFA became Democracy for America and changed its mission to progressive grassroots activism. It's now the nation's largest progressive political action community.

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    June 15, 2008 at 01:20 PM in Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Education, Events | Permalink


    This is a great opportunity for anyone involved in politics on any level. I also think it doesn't matter if you are brand new to campaigns or have been involved for many years you can always learn something new. You will come away with at least one bit of information that you might not have ever thought of. I am just sorry that I cannot attend. I hope you get a great attendance and everyone will benefit in one way or another.This is so great. Much success to all. Stephanie DuBois

    Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Jun 16, 2008 1:53:42 PM

    Sorry you can't be there, but totally understand. Family comes first!

    The training has gotten rave reviews so we're very lucky to have it here.

    Thanks for the good words!

    Posted by: | Jun 16, 2008 3:17:35 PM

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