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    Sunday, June 29, 2008

    Bill Richardson to Raise Money in NM for Hillary Debt?

    As indicated by ABC News:

    Clinton accomplice James Carville may have called him "Judas" when he bolstered Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in March, yet that isn't ending Gov. Bill Richardson D-NM., from offering to raise money to help Sen. Clinton leave her immense fight commitment.

    "We've been made a demand to offer help. So on an essential level we will help," Richardson revealed to ABC News in the wake of watching out for people from the Democratic Leadership Council in Chicago at the direct social affair's yearly gathering. "I think the social event needs to get together," he included.


    ... Gov. Richardson at that point said that he has seen some confident indications of the gathering sewing itself back together and that he "will be included in an obligation occasion for Sen. Clinton in New Mexico." He later included that the occasion still can't seem to be booked.

    Remember, Gov. Richardson is also working on getting rid of campaign debt from his own presidential run. According to the AP, it's now down to about $285,000 -- no match for Clinton's debt of about $10 million owed to vendors plus $12.2 million in personal loans to her campaign. Maybe the Governor can host some two-fers, not to mention some events for our THREE U.S. House races and U.S. Senate race.

    Richardson was in West Palm Beach, FL this weekend too, at a dinner for prominent Dems:

    More than 25 tables were filled with big-name Democrats, mostly from South Florida. Perhaps the biggest name at this dinner was one of Barack Obama’s possible picks for vice president. "I’m not launching any campaigns," said New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. "It’s his decision. If it doesn’t happen, I’m still going to be very happy."

    "I’m still Governor of New Mexico. I still can ride my horse in the morning, keep my beard."

    RichardsonbeardAha! A flip-flop on the beard? Lately, Gov. Richardson has been saying he'll be shaving off his beard any day now, but the quote implies it's here to stay -- unless he gets picked for VP or another job by Obama.

    Regardless of who Obama chooses, Richardson says he should wait to announce his decision right before the Democrats' convention. "There’s a short list and I’ve seen my name on some short lists," said Richardson "I think Senator Clinton is a strong candidate. I think there are a lot of other candidates that would bring strength to the ticket."

    Richardson was also in Florida working on party unity, and bashing McCain:

    Richardson’s goal at this event was to unite Florida Democrats, by luring Hillary Clinton supporters into Obama’s camp. The former presidential candidate also wants Florida's large hispanic population, including Cuban republicans. "We’re ready to lift the embargo, but we want Cuba to become more democratic," said Richardson.

    When it comes to the high cost of fuel, the former energy secretary in the Clinton administration says he would focus more on conservation and renewable energy. "There’s so many things we need to do where we need presidential leadership," said Richardson. "Instead of drill, drill, drill, the way John McCain and President Bush want to do."

    Richardson says he opposes drilling of the coast of Florida and California. He calls it bad energy policy that would not lower fuel prices until 2030.

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    June 29, 2008 at 03:30 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink


    Sigh, and us candidates for little dinky races like district 59 state representative could sure use $10--$20 thousand.... most of us not being millionaires, we can't fund our own campaigns. I sure wish Big bill would hold a fundraiser for us. [AND lose that beard!]

    Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jun 30, 2008 8:10:29 AM

    I like the beard but I agree that Richardson and others in the party here should be concentrating on raising money for our candidates in NM from those running for Congress to those running for the legislature.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jun 30, 2008 10:46:05 AM

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