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    Monday, June 02, 2008

    Back a Local Blogger for DFA Scholarship to Netroots Nation

    Prez candidates at last year's blogger convention

    Democracy for America is offering scholarships for folks to attend the Netroots Nation blogger convention to be held in Austin, TX on July 17-21, 2008. Netroots Nation is the new name of the event known as YearlyKos for its first two years. Mary Ellen and I attended YK last year in Chicago and it provided unparalled opportunities to meet bloggers from across the nation, participate in well-run, thought-provoking workshops, hear top-notch speakers and interact with politicos from all over who are supportive of the progressive netroots. It was also a gas.

    We're going to this year's Netroots Nation too, and we want to urge you to support one of our favorite local bloggers for a scholarship so he can go too.

    Click to support Matt of New Mexico FBIHOP

    I'm sure most all of you are familiar with New Mexico FBIHOP , which is run by Matthew Reichbach of Rio Rancho. Matt is also now writing for the New Mexico Independent, a non-profit, online newspaper which recently launched and is already providing top-notch political reporting every single day.

    Mingling at last year's blogger convention

    Matt, only 23, started his blog a couple of years ago and -- in that short time -- has made it one of the best in New Mexico, a daily must-read for anyone interested in progressive politics in the "Red or Green" state. Matt represents the wave of the future in blogging here, given his youth and his already impressive skills. I strongly believe we should do what we can to help him afford a trip to Netroots Nation so he can network, soak it all in, have fun and get even better at what he does. Also check out Matt's post on New Mexico FBIHOP explaining why he wants your vote.

    Matt's one of the candidates for a DFA scholarship to Netroots Nation, which would provide tuition and a shared hotel room for the conference. I've added my voice to those supporting Matt and I hope you will too. Click here to vote for Matt and give your reasons for supporting him for a scholarship. Pass it on.

    DFA will be awarding at least nine Netroots Nation scholarships to selected candidates. If you'd like to help them offer even more scholarships to worthy but short on cash bloggers, consider donating a few bucks to their scholarship fund.

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    June 2, 2008 at 04:08 PM in DFA, Web/Tech | Permalink


    Thanks for the pub, Barb!

    Posted by: | Jun 2, 2008 5:28:57 PM

    As a young, progressive blogger, I was pleased to see you fervent backing of Matt's attempt to attend the annual the Netroots Nation blogger convention. I've heard great things about this event and believe its importance unparalleled in terms of enhancing the way in which young bloggers shape and spread the message and potency of progressive values.

    Kudos to you, DFA-NM, for supporting Matt's efforts, and I hope many will stop in to check out the blog of another young, progressive at https://newmexicoprogressive.blogspot.com/.

    Posted by: | Jun 2, 2008 7:55:46 PM

    Hi Daniel: I added a link to your blog under my NM Blogs section. Always good to encounter a new young blogger in New Mexico!

    Posted by: comments?__mode=red&user_id=26336&id=117296606">barb | Jun 2, 2008 9:00:01 PM

    I don't trust these young progressive kids with their "ideals" and "hope" and "energy."

    Posted by: | Jun 2, 2008 11:23:24 PM

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