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    Sunday, June 01, 2008

    Action Alert: Bernalillo County Clerk Needs Election Day Help

    A message from Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk:

    The Primary Election is this coming Tuesday, June 3, and Bernalillo County is still in need of folks to serve as poll officials at sites throughout the county. We are still in need of folks to serve either as presiding judges or as clerks at a polling location. Usually we would require a training but in this case, at the last minute, we will place you in a location with folks who are already trained and will train you on the spot.

    Compensation is $100 for the day. Day starts at 6 AM and polls close at 7 PM -- if you can give your day to do your civic duty and help out, please let me know! If you are able to serve, please call Channon with my office at 468-1221 or else call 468-1291 and select #4 for Poll Officials. Please also send this on to your contact lists or post on your blog if you are able. Thank you very much!

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    June 1, 2008 at 04:56 PM in Election Reform & Voting, Local Politics | Permalink


    In my never-ending search to avoid doing "real" work (besides, I always wanted to do this polling thing at least once), I called the 468-1221 number.

    The recorded message said the office would get back to me in the "next two weeks".

    To quote certain out-of-control, illogical protesters for a certain Presidential candidate: "troubling".

    Sure, it's the weekend now and the message was from last Friday...but last Friday was the 30th. Of May. As in before June.

    Kinda wonder if they might be a poll worker or two short this Tuesday.

    Posted by: | Jun 1, 2008 5:56:00 PM

    Scot makes a good point - as we are fine tuning and making changes to the way we recruit and train poll workers we have tried to be more efficient in our process, but as in Scot's case, some may have fallen through the cracks. We are going to double-staff our crew for the general so this does not happen, and I'm sorry that it did. The main reason we are short-staffed is that many, many of our committed poll-workers have backed out over the last few weeks, leaving us a very short period of time to replace them (ergo the e-mail from yesterday.) Many more have "retired" from working as poll officials due to the transition back to an all-paper ballot system, which many regard as "too difficult" to manage. I have learned a lot about how to improve our recruitment for the General Election - I'm sure you'll see me all over the place this summer actively recruiting new folks to work the polls.

    Posted by: Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Jun 2, 2008 10:30:29 AM


    Thanks for your post, and for your help in getting Bernco Clerk's Office out of the archaic rut it's been in. I know that will take some time. Btw, I received a call this morning, so the "two weeks" thing was a misnomer (or whatever you would call it).

    Posted by: | Jun 2, 2008 10:39:25 AM

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