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    Monday, June 02, 2008

    2008 NM Primary: Find Your Polling Place Now for June 3rd Election

    VoteposterDon't wait until Tuesday, June 3rd, and then get into a panic when the voting info phone lines and websites are jammed. If you live in Bernalillo County, visit this page at the website of the Bernalillo County Clerk, enter your address, and you'll get info on your polling place and a sample ballot.

    Click here to find contact information for County Clerks in other counties, or Google your County Clerk's office to get a direct link to your Clerk's page. You can also enter your address at the Secretary of State's Voter View page to find your polling place anywhere in the state.

    You must be registered as a Democrat to be able to vote in tomorrow's Democratic primary. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Early in-person voting is over, as is the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot. If you previously requested and received an absentee ballot, you must return it to the County Clerk's office OR at your normal polling place no later than 7:00pm on Election Day, June 3rd. Ballots may be returned by the voter, the voter's caregiver, or a member of the voter's immediate family. It's too late to mail it, so you'll need to hand-deliver it. Do not take a completed absentee ballot to your polling place on election day or you will be required to complete a provisional ballot.

    There is a new provision for a voter who has received an absentee ballot, but not turned it in, to vote provisionally instead. They might have lost or destroyed it, or just changed their mind about who to vote for since they got it. The voter goes to their polling place and fills out a form and votes provisionally. If the absentee ballot doesn't turn up, the provisional ballot should be counted.

    For more sources of information about the election, candidates and voting, check the left-hand sidebar on the DFNM blog  where I've included a number of links under the heading of Voting Info.

    See more posters created by Obey here.

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    June 2, 2008 at 10:43 AM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting, Local Politics | Permalink


    The SOS is experiencing technical difficulties today - their network and phones are down until this afternoon, so the VoterView website is not working right now but should be up again this afternoon. Our website is working fine. FYI, all.

    Posted by: Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Jun 2, 2008 12:15:41 PM

    Please tell me if I'm wrong, but I learned something different. They told us at the training for Presiding Judges that voters could bring absentee ballots to their own polling place, the County Clerk's office, or the Voting Machine Warehouse on South Broadway until 7 pm election day. A household member or caregiver of the voter can also deliver it. There is a new form to track the chain of custody for these ballots.

    Also, for the first time, there is a provision for a voter who has received an absentee ballot, but not turned it in, to vote provisionally instead. They might have lost or destroyed it, or just changed their mind about who to vote for since they got it. The voter goes to their polling place and fills out a form and votes provisionally. If the absentee ballot doesn't turn up, the Provisional ballot should be counted. Previously this was only available if they swore they never received the Provisional ballot. I like this change.

    Posted by: michelle meaders | Jun 2, 2008 12:38:50 PM

    You are correct Michelle, and I made the corrections and additions. I obviously got my info from a source that hadn't been updated.

    Posted by: | Jun 2, 2008 1:39:20 PM

    SOS website is back up, y'all!

    Posted by: Maggie Toulouse Oliver | Jun 2, 2008 4:19:07 PM

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