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    Tuesday, June 03, 2008

    2008 New Mexico Primary Winners; Upset Victories for Griego, Keller, Chavez

    Martin Heinrich wins NM-01 in 4-way race. Ben Ray Lujan handily wins NM-03. Still too close to call in NM-02 between McCamley and Teague, though Teague is in the lead and has claimed victory. McCamley hasn't conceded. There are a bunch of Dona Ana County precincts still outstanding, where McCamley draws his greatest support. Problems have been reported with getting these votes transported and counted so things are at a standstill. I think McCamley can still pull it out, IF he gets big numbers from those outstanding precincts. Go, Bill!

    Griego Echavez Keller
    Griego, Chavez, Keller: Incumbent Topplers

    But what can only be called upset victories by three Dem primary legislative race challengers in Albuquerque have really made my day (and night). They're a wonder to behold, beautiful to absorb, shocking to realize. Eric Griego, Tim Keller and Eleanor Chavez victorious over entrenched, status quo incumbents! Griego whomped Paul Taylor in SD 17. Keller positively crushed Shannon Robinson in SD 15. Chavez won by a smaller, but still very healthy margin, in HD 13. And because they won in heavily Dem districts, the three intrepid change agents have effectively won seats in the NM Legislature.

    Stunning. All three ran terrific campaigns. All three will bring truly progressive values to Santa Fe. All three represent victories for the people over the special interests. DFA-Democracy for New Mexico endorsed all three, as did many other folks in the grassroots, progressive and union communities. This is a BIG win for the forces of clean government and reform.

    Update: Check out this post by Marjorie at m-pyre about Eleanor Chavez and Silva's hit piece on her during the campaign. Nice shots of Eleanor in her youth with Cesar Chavez and with her campaign manager, Tomas Garduno.

    Results available at NM Secretary of State and at KRQE-13 News and many other places. At 10:40 PM, here are some select results, winners in red:

    NM-01 Dem Congressional Race
    Martin Heinrich 44%
    Rebecca Vigil-Giron 25%
    Michelle Lujan Grisham 23%
    Robert Pidcock 8%

    NM-02 Dem Congessional Race
    Bill McCamley 42%
    Harry Teague 52%
    Teague claiming victory but McCamley says too close to call

    NM-03 Dem Congressional Race
    Don Wiviott 27%
    Ben Ray Lujan Jr. 41%
    Benny Shendo Jr. 16%
    Harry Montoya 11%
    Jon Adams 3%
    Rudy Martin 2%

    Dem U.S. Senate Race: Tom Udall unopposed

    Repub U.S. Senate Race
    Heather Wilson 49%
    Steve Pearce 51%

    Dem NM State House District 13
    Eleanor Chavez 54%
    Dan Silva (incumbent) 46%

    Dem NM State Senate District 15
    Eric Griego 63%
    James C. Taylor (incumbent) 37%

    Dem NM State Senate District 17
    Tim Keller 66%
    Shannon Robinson (incumbent) 34%

    Bernalillo County Clerk
    Maggie Toulouse Oliver 70%

    Ambrose Chavez 30%

    More results:

    NM-02 GOP Congressional Race
    Aubrey Dunn 20%
    C. Earl Greer 10%
    Edward R. Tinsley 31%
    Monty Newman 21%
    Greg Sowards 18%

    Dem NM State Senate District 11
    Linda Lopez 53%
    Michael Padilla 47%

    Tough race for John Blair against Eichenberg, who's much better known in Dem circles, even though Blair got the Albuquerque Journal's endorsement and campaigned very hard. Mr. Blair, you must run again for something soon. We need you in office.

    Dem NM State Senate District 15
    John Blair 40%
    Tim Eichenberg 60%

    Buh bye, Dan!

    GOP NM House District 57
    Dan Foley (incumbent) 46%
    Dennis Kintigh 54%

    Technorati Tags:

    June 3, 2008 at 10:55 PM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections, 2008 Judicial Elections, 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 NM State Legislature Races, 2008 PRC Election, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Good job Harry Teague. A positive campaign is what we need more of. I'm very proud of you and look forward to November. Que viva Harry Teague!!

    Posted by: dnl | Jun 4, 2008 12:35:33 AM

    Um he didn't win yet. Results are still pending from Dona Ana. Not a good night for Teague. How much oil money did he spend to have a race this close with a shoestring candidate?

    If he wins Teague will lose in November by a huge margin. He's one of the weakest candidates for Congress ever in this state and that's saying something.

    Posted by: Sid | Jun 4, 2008 12:51:58 AM

    McCamley conceded to Teague shortly after midnight.
    Interesting numbers from around the state... I was a little disappointed about turnout, but I guess it was still higher than usual. Can't complain.

    Posted by: | Jun 4, 2008 1:38:22 AM

    Well, we have to hope that Teague will be able to beat The KBOB guy.
    Yes, DEMS may lose the 2nd district again.
    After the polls closed I ran into some Teague fans and got some more info on him. Turns out he is indeed self-made and is not from inherited wealth. He is also a member of the NAACP long standing by way of his compassion for blacks that he knew growing up.
    I hope that he will be good for labor issues even if he may not defend the environment as much as we would like. Enthusiastic Teague fans say he "gets" it about the need for alternative energy being essential for our nation's security. I hope that is the case.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jun 4, 2008 6:46:04 AM

    Good news down here in the Valley, with Linda Lopez (okay, there are questions but...) scraping by Michael Padilla. I wonder how many more weeks/months/years we will have to look at Padilla's scary mug on the 1.47 billion signs around this part of town before they finally get picked up.

    And Eric Griego! Nice job taking out James (I'm anything but a folk-rock entertainer) Taylor. Never did like that guy, well in the case of James Taylor(s) I never really liked either one.

    Congrats to Lopez and Griego and a pretty good night overall here in NM.

    Posted by: | Jun 4, 2008 8:50:02 AM

    I was sorry to see John Blair lose to Tim Eichenberg in his state senate primary and the bogus Schwartz beat Ben Chavez for judge, but you can't have everything.

    I was pulling hard for McCamley down south and he ran a spectacular uphill race and almost beat moneybags oil guy Teague. This was quite an achievement considering how many hundreds of thousands of dollars Teague put into the race. McCamley is one of our rising stars and I hope he runs again for something. We need him and more candidates like him in NM.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 4, 2008 10:41:23 AM

    Griego, Keller and Chavez represent huge victories for the progressive grassroots! Three more votes in the legislature for ethics and campaign finance reform, health care for all and much, much more. Congratulations to the winners!

    Posted by: I Vote | Jun 4, 2008 12:00:54 PM

    What a night!

    Posted by: Blue in 08 | Jun 4, 2008 1:52:59 PM

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