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    Friday, May 23, 2008

    (Updated) Barack Obama to Visit Las Cruces Monday

    UPDATE 5.24.08: According to a press release from the Obama campaign, the early afternoon event will be a Memorial Day Veterans Town Hall with Barack Obama and Gov. Bill Richardson. Attendance is by invitation only and the Town Hall is not open to the public. The location of the event is not yet being made public.
    Barack Obama will be in Las Cruces on Monday, May 26, 2008 for a public event of some kind according to his campaign. No other details are available yet, but the word is the event will be related to honoring veterans. I'll let you know when more info is released. In the meantime, content yourself with checking out the video above. Yes We Can!

    Michelle Obama, John McCain and George Bush will also be in New Mexico next week. Click for info.

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    May 23, 2008 at 10:23 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Bird Blogging, Events | Permalink


    That bird is amazing! He or she also has great taste in candidates.

    Barack and old man McSame in the state on the same day. This should be quite the exciting election season here.

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 23, 2008 12:21:37 PM

    What is the procedure for Las Cruces veteran and their families to obtain an invitation to the Senator Obama Town Hall Meeting in Las Cruces on Memorial Day?

    Posted by: Joyce Campell-Layman | May 25, 2008 7:47:41 PM

    I can understand having an event for veterans. However....why is he making it a private event(invitation only)? Even though it is designed as a veterans event.... I am sure all of the politicians running in the June primary will no doubt make an appearance.

    Perhaps the "elitist" accusation that labels his campaign wasn't so off-base afterall.

    Hard-working individuals like myself are not worthy of being included in the celebration.

    Posted by: Dan | May 25, 2008 9:23:38 PM

    When you have a town hall you can't have thousands of people showing up or it becomes unmanageable. I don't know how invitations are offered but probably through veteran's organizations.

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 26, 2008 9:17:56 AM

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