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Thursday, May 29, 2008

SD 17: Tim Keller Earning Unprecedented Dem Support

Tim Keller (L) with Rey Garduno at campaign event

Do you live in NM Senate District 17 in Albuquerque's SE Heights? Click here for a map of the District or visit this page at the website of the Bernalillo County and enter your address to determine your District. If you're a registered District 17 Democrat, it's incredibly important that you get out and vote in the Democratic primary on June 3rd.

The primary features a heated battle between reformer Tim Keller and long-time incumbent Shannon Robinson. Robinson has been the focus of a growing number of news reports highlighting his highly questionable actions related to getting funding for the UNM Rugby Club he coaches. He's also been called on neglecting the needs of his District while focusing instead on serving the powerful.

This is a race that pits a change candidate who will fight to clean up government and work hard to bring positive improvements to his District against an insider who's gotten way too comfortable in his seat and who fights hardest for the well-connected and the status quo. Given the strongly Democratic demographics of Senate District 17, whoever wins the Dem primary will no doubt take the seat.

With the primary election nearing, challenger Tim Keller has earned the endorsement of key progressive Democrats, neighborhood and community leaders, as well as nearly a dozen Democratic groups in his run in the Democratic Primary for State Senate in District 17.

"The support Tim has received is unprecedented for a challenger," says veteran Democratic leader Richard Romero. "To me, it says that people believe that Tim represents democratic values of integrity and ethics. The voters in his district are looking for this sort of change."

Tim is also endorsed by Rey Garduno, the Albuquerque City Councilor who represents half of the district, and State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino.

Organizations that have endorsed Tim include:

Local neighborhood leaders who have endorsed Tim are:

Tim Keller, a progressive Democrat from Albuquerque, is active in the Democrat Party, serving as a Ward Chair and as the Bernalillo County Party Parliamentarian. More can be found about Tim Keller at his website. Tim can be reached at

Whether you live in Tim's District or not, consider helping out with canvassing and phone banking in the final days of the campaign and on election day.

To see our previous posts about Tim Keller, visit our legislative race archive.

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May 29, 2008 at 04:56 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink


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