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    Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    Obama and Richardson in Las Cruces


    These photos (click on images for larger versions) show Barack Obama appearing with Gov. Bill Richardson yesterday at a Memorial Day gathering of about 200 veterans and their families at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces and talking about veterans' issues. Gov. Richardson introduced Obama before a backdrop of the Organ Mountains. In his introduction of Obama, Gov. Richardson said, "He's a man of principle and impeccable character. He's a patriot who loves this country with all of his heart. He's an extraordinary leader, a once-in-a-generation leader."

    Obama gave a short speech honoring veterans and describing ways he would work to vastly improve veterans' benefits. After his remarks, Obama took questions from the crowd. Obama and Richardson later made a surprise stop at the Las Cruces Veterans Memorial Park to lay two large wreaths honoring local veterans.


    Thanks to Ellen Wedum, who's running for for State Rep in District 59, for passing along these photos taken by NM Rep. Nathan Cote of HD 53, himself a Navy veteran. In an article about Obama's visit in the Las Cruces Sun-News, Rep. Cote was quoted as saying Obama was knowledgeable about veterans issues. "I think it was extraordinary for Las Cruces and the vets of Las Cruces," he said of Obama's visit. The Sun-News also has a nice collection of photos and videos of Obama's visit.




    And here's another photo of Obama, this time with the New Mexico flag, taken by Obama supporter Rep. Al Park (D-HD26) of Albuquerque:


    Above is a video of Obama's remarks in Las Cruces provided by his campaign. Click for the text version of his speech. The Obama website also has photos of the wreath laying at Veterans Memorial Park. And be sure to check out the coverage of the Las Cruces events in today's New Mexico Independent.

    More photos of the day's events at Yahoo News.

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    May 27, 2008 at 10:49 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics, Veterans | Permalink


    I'm sure Obama will be back in New Mexico many more times before the November election. We're one of the most importants swing states again. We need to get involved with the various campaigns now to get going on our wins. This is so very important!

    Posted by: | May 27, 2008 1:31:50 PM

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