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    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    (Updated) NM:03: I Take It Back - Shame on Shendo (and Wiviott Weighs In)

    UPDATE 5:40 PM: Benny Shendo has issued a statement explaining his aims and reasons for confronting Lujan about "lifestyle." You be the judge.
    I posted yesterday about my decision not to cover the negative campaigning that's erupted in the NM-03 Congressional race. I said I believed that any one of the top three candidates -- Don Wiviott, Ben R. Lujan, Jr. and Benny Shendo, Jr. -- would make a wonderful Congressman for the Third District. I take it back in the case of Shendo. As far as I'm concerned, he's gone way over the line with comments he made last night about Lujan's personal life. Shendo's attack is lower than low in my book, representing the very worst of what a campaign for public office should be about.

    Shendo raised the issue of Lujan's "lifestyle" -- read sexual orientation -- in a candidate forum yesterday in Farmington. He provided no documentation for his accusation. Kate Nash and Steve Terrell of the Santa Fe New Mexican report:

    Benny Shendo Jr. caused a stir at a Monday night candidate forum in Farmington when he asked a question of Ben Ray Luján that implied Luján is gay. "You say that you stand up for the people of New Mexico," Shendo said, "and I want to know how you can stand up for the people of New Mexico if you can't stand up to your mom and dad about your lifestyle."

    The question was supposed to continue, but Shendo said he was cut off by raucous members of the audience.

    Lujan responded at the forum:

    "Mr. Shendo, I'm very honored to have parents like I have as you are with your parents as well. It's with great honor that I'm before you because of my great parents. I'm not sure what you are referring to, Mr. Shendo, but I honor my mom and dad, and I believe that I represent them well."

    The Lujan campaign quickly responded:

    Luján's campaign manager, Carlos Trujillo, said Tuesday: "For a fringe candidate like Benny Shendo to use such a personal issue to try to gain political points is despicable and has no place in this race. Obviously Benny's been unable to gain traction in this race so he's decided to stoop to a whole new level."

    ... Trujillo said .. Ben Ray Luján has "a loving and committed relationship with his girlfriend."

    Shendo's campaign later expanded on the claim:

    Shendo's campaign said in an e-mail later that before he was interrupted, he had planned to continue his question by asking Ben Ray Luján about lifestyle "choice, especially, in this day and age when it's much more accepted to be openly gay in public life, but your parents made you pretend to have a girlfriend at public events, for political reasons."

    While Shendo didn't offer any evidence that Ben Ray Luján is, in fact, gay, he said in an interview Tuesday that he raised the issue because Luján has been "purposely and aggressively introducing a young woman at numerous political events as his girlfriend."

    Shendo also said he doesn't care if any candidate is gay. "If he is gay, and he's deceiving people, that's wrong," he said. "The voters have a right to be concerned about the deception — not whether one is gay or not. The issue is deception. That's relevant."

    Sorry, whether Lujan is gay or not, making accusations of this sort about a fellow Democrat at a public forum can only be considered to be inflamatory, unnecessary, unwarranted and just plain sleazy. Especially when the accuser has nothing to back up his claim. I agree with what spokespersons from Equality New Mexico have to say about the incident:

    Negative campaigning aside, some members of equal-rights groups said Tuesday that Shendo's move was mean-spirited. "That kind of gay bashing is extremely inappropriate, especially coming from a candidate," said Alexis Blizman, executive director of Equality New Mexico, a prominent gay-rights organization. She said it's wrong to question peoples' sexual orientation, saying, "Until someone tells me otherwise, I take them at their word."

    Blizman said her organization hasn't endorsed anyone in the congressional races. "We only endorse in state races," she said. However, she said both Ben Ray Luján and Wiviott "have been supportive of (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender) issues. Benny Shendo has too."

    Linda Siegle, a lobbyist for Equality New Mexico, said, "Whether he's gay or not shouldn't be an issue. Whether he has a girlfriend or not shouldn't be an issue. The issue should be the issues. Why would another Democrat be bringing this up?"

    Given Shendo's behavior last night, I now urge anyone who's been considering voting for Shendo to think again. In my view, we shouldn't stand for this kind of nasty, innuendo-based politicking to happen anywhere near a Democratic primary.

    Wiviott Weighs In
    Don Wiviott's campaign just released the following statement criticizing Shendo's statements at the forum:

    "I was unable to attend the forum, but I was disgusted by comments made by Benny Shendo in today's paper and I'm disappointed that a candidate would resort to such tactics,” Wiviott said.

    “If someone made a racist remark in this campaign, I'd speak out about it.  If someone made a sexist remark in this campaign, I'd speak out about it.  This is no different.  Rumors and innuendoes regarding the personal life of any candidate should play no role in this election.”

    “Northern New Mexico faces a real choice between candidates with different qualifications and positions on the issues.  That, and only that, should guide how Democrats make their decision on June 3rd.”

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    May 21, 2008 at 01:05 PM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    The worst thing about Shendo's shameful ad hominem attack is it distracts from Wiviott's negative divisive ad hominem politics-of-distraction attacks and his evident lack of knowledge of and detailed positions on most issues. At this point, I'm not voting for anyone in CD3.

    Posted by: Honest John | May 21, 2008 1:32:05 PM

    Mr honest John....not voting for anyone?
    Who wins then??? Remember this is not the time in history to pick up your marbles and go home.

    Posted by: mary ellen | May 21, 2008 2:15:46 PM

    How extremely disappointing to hear this kind of BS. Ben Ray Lujan would be a fabulous congressman! Who cares about his personal life? And to hear Benny saying that BS about not telling his parents ... my goodness. How does Benny know any of this? His bringing it up in a public forum sure is shameful.

    Benny Shamdo is the new name.

    It is time for old politics to go bye bye.

    While this stupid discussion is going on:

    Oil hit $130 a barrel, and the pig oil men say they are the victims of supply and demand. Poor us we made billions of dollars in profit this quarter. Yeah let's worry who Ben Ray loves. What does it matter? I know that he does love NM and he would bring that loving committment to his representing northern NM.

    What else has happened in the time frame this non issue regarding Ben Ray has been being discussed: for sure people dying in Iraq.

    For sure two billion dollars a week being spent of our tax dollars in Iraq. So since this non story has been getting public attention, which is maybe 48 hours, one half billion dollars is gone!

    When will this madness stop?

    Posted by: stop the madness | May 21, 2008 2:39:03 PM

    Carlos is his campaign manager? Wow. Where have I been?

    Posted by: KathyF | May 21, 2008 3:21:38 PM

    Lets be honest here. Northern NM is a highly traditional and Catholic Hispanic area, and the issue of being gay or any other anti-moral or anti-religious sentiments is HUGE and could be costly if true. I could personally careless if he is gay or not. I am well aware of Ben Ray Lujan....and he appears straight and normal to me. Whatever the case...his personal life is a choice and lifestyle that is not of my business....however...be assured and certain there are plenty of voters in rural Northern NM that base their vote based on moral issues. Plain and simple.

    My big question is where was Don Wiviott?? What is Don Wiviott so afraid of? According to the candidates, this is the 3rd forum he's avoided. Wiviott has given nothing but excuses about why he hasn't participated in any forums. For a guy who talks a big game about giving people a voice in our democracy, how can fellow voters in the 3rd Congressional District make a fair choice and decision if Wiviott doesn't offer any opportunity to showcase what his ideas are. If Wiviott can't take the heat of being in a debate with other candidates, what makes him think he's ready to lead as our next Congressman?? I'd like to see Wiviott answer the same questions the other candidates were asked.

    Posted by: | May 21, 2008 3:21:38 PM

    This raises the issue that always lurks there in northern NM and other heavily Hispanic areas of the state - the extreme bigotry on the part of too many against LBGT people. The ignorance and hatred that's bred by the misguided Catholic Church in those parts. Enough is enough. I know nobody is supposed to mention it but it's there and it's horrible.

    Wake up people. Not everyone is Catholic and trying to force the rest of the American population to live by Catholic rules is anti-American. Anti-American. This thinking takes people's civil rights away. Hispanics don't like it when bigotry affects them. Why are so many so ready to hold onto bigotry for those different than themselves?

    Same thing with a woman's right to choose. The constitution shouldn't be forced to follow the rules of the Catholic Church. Live like a Catholic if you want. Just don't try to make everybody do it.

    If Lujan IS gay, what a sad story this is. Imagine having to hide your real self from your family and most everyone else because of such bigotry and narrowmindedness. Imagine having to be scared you will be outed. Imagine having a really good candidate beaten because of the bigotry of his own people and their refusal to accept gay people for who they are.

    Shame on Shendo but also shame on the Catholic Church here and those who preach hatred and rejection of gay people.

    Posted by: Stop hating | May 21, 2008 3:59:34 PM

    With all due respect you kind of say it all above.
    Oh it does not matter, it matters to others not me, meanwhile you say BRL appears straight and
    "normal". Ouch what does that mean?
    You are right it does matter to the northern NM voters, and that to me is a crying shame.
    Ben Ray Lujan is NORMAL. That I would think we as humans could be sure about and could agree on....no?
    We are a society who eats our young.
    Meanwhile the pigs are feeding at the trough.

    Posted by: mary ellen | May 21, 2008 4:01:38 PM

    You wouldn't know there are emergencies going on with the economy, climate, energy, health care, education, civil liberties, privacy, the U.S. Constitution or anything else if you followed the awful conduct of these campaigns, suddenly it's a big free for all on nothing issues.

    The candidates should stop listening to their strategists and consultants and be themselves. The professional campaign advisers don't have any idea how real people respond, tell them to bug off.

    Posted by: Shut the strategists up | May 21, 2008 6:55:55 PM

    I have been literally floored by this all day. And he's still yapping.

    Posted by: | May 21, 2008 7:46:34 PM

    Here is actual video of the incident.


    Posted by: | May 21, 2008 8:43:54 PM

    Thanks for the actual video link Dan.
    Shendo described in the New Mexican article that he was interrupted...but he clearly was not in this clip. Even more disappointing of Shamdo.

    Posted by: mary ellen | May 21, 2008 9:28:24 PM

    Why is asking a question about "lifestyle" an "accusation"? Is it so bad for a person to be gay that you're "accusing" them of it and slinging mud?

    Posted by: Curious | May 22, 2008 7:07:45 AM

    Here's Shendo's explanation of his remarks:


    Or, same link shorter: https://snipurl.com/2a3z7

    Posted by: Honest John | May 22, 2008 10:06:18 AM

    Shendo's explanation leaves me cold. It's not up to Shendo to try and force Lujan to talk about his private sex life. How dare he. He has zero proof of anything and is trying to get attention with something he knew would get it.

    How would Shendo like to be pushed to prove he doesn't use peyote or something like that? Maybe I'd like to know Shendo's preferred sexual practices. I could claim I've heard rumors they're pretty unusual.

    There's nothing wrong with being gay or not being gay. The problem is that Shendo crossed the line on what is fair and useful political discussion.

    The good thing is that so many people up north are now abandoning Shendo and supporting Lujan because they are so disgusted with Shendo's antics. What he did is backfiring!

    Posted by: Northern NM D | May 22, 2008 12:47:33 PM

    "Why are so many so ready to hold onto bigotry for those different than themselves?"

    Stop hating, homosexuality touches most people's lives one way or another. Far from it being "different" it is a most common human condition indeed.

    Posted by: qofdisks | May 22, 2008 11:58:34 PM

    Curious asks an interesting question. There is a lot of rhetoric, e.g. on the New Mexican web site, that makes it sound like speculation that BRL is gay is equal to insulting him. There is little in the way of assertions that the rhetoricians would vote for him whether he is gay or not.

    My concern is not with his orientation but with his vulnerability to blackmail if, in fact, he is closeted. Shendo may not have proof or evidence but, if it can be found, the other party is likely to find it before November or, alternately, after Lujan is in office. That concerns me.

    But it doesn't concern me enough to vote for either Shendo or Wiviott. My vote is for Lujan. It's his decision to make his orientation, whatever it may be, public or to keep it private, but I hope he is not so naive as to think that it won't become public at some point.

    Posted by: < | May 23, 2008 8:31:49 AM

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